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Warning: there is more than one data page for cards with this name.

Please identify which of these data pages are for the card this page is supposed to cover. Data:Cards/Young Dragonhawk(464739), Data:Cards/Young Dragonhawk(629) Once it is identified, please edit this page and use the |datapage parameter on {{Card infobox}} to ensure data is pulled from the correct page.

As an example, if the correct data page is Data:Cards/Barrel(376), then this page would need {{Card infobox|datapage=Barrel(376)}} to ensure it finds the correct page.

Young Dragonhawk
Minion type:Beast
Cost:1 Mana icon
Attack:1 Attack icon
Health:1 Health
Flavor text

They were the inspiration for the championship Taurenball team: The Dragonhawks.

External links

Data pagePlayHearthstoneHearthpwn

Young Dragonhawk is a common neutral minion card, from the Classic set.

How to get

Young Dragonhawk can be obtained through Classic card packs, through crafting, or as an Arena reward.

Card Crafting cost Disenchanting
Young Dragonhawk 40 5
Golden Young Dragonhawk 400 50


Young Dragonhawk has Windfury, allowing it to attack twice in a single turn. This makes it a very good target for spells like Blessing of Kings which buffs its attack, and a good minion for directly attacking the enemy hero (as it will take no damage).


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Dragonhawks are flying creatures native to Quel'Thalas and tamed by the blood elves and the trolls of Zul'Aman. Dragonhawks are deft predators that rend their foes with razor-sharp talons


Greg Hildebrandt