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Year of the Wolf

Year of the Wolf is the Standard format year from April 11, 2023 to an unknown date in 2024.[1]

Card sets[]

These card sets are released as a part of Year of the Wolf.

Core set[]

List of Year of the Wolf's Core set cards can be found here.


Year of the Wolf - Roadmap



These patches were released during Year of the Wolf.

VersionBuildRelease dateHighlights
27.2.2 184727 2023-08-30 Card changes, Battlegrounds card changes, Duels card changes
27.2.0 183876 2023-08-22 Caverns of Time release, Battlegrounds updates, Card changes, Event Track: Battle of Ahn'Qiraj, Duels card changes
27.0.3 183433 2023-08-10
27.0.3 182995 2023-08-08 Card changes
27.0.0 181554 2023-07-25 TITANS release, New Duels and Arena rotations, Event Track: Ulduar Grand Championship, Two new Core cards, Battlegrounds card changes
26.6.2 180614 2023-07-06
26.6.0 179020 2023-06-27 New game format: Twist, TITANS pre-order, Event Tracks: New Age and Fire Festival, Battlegrounds updates
26.4.3 178555 2023-06-15 Card changes, Battlegrounds card changes, Duels card changes
26.4.0 175913 2023-05-31 Audiopocalypse mini-set, Event Track: Epic Duels of Rock Legends, Battlegrounds updates, Duels updates
26.2.2 176014 2023-05-19 Card changes, Battlegrounds card changes, Duels card changes
26.2.0 174258 2023-05-09 Battlegrounds updates, New Battlegrounds/Battlegrounds Track and Season, New Event Track, Heroic Brawliseum
26.0.4 173781 2023-04-27 Card changes, Battlegrounds' Card changes, Duels' Card changes
26.0.2 172421 2023-04-14 Card changes, Battlegrounds card changes
26.0.0 170824 2023-04-04 Festival of Legends release, New year: Year of the Wolf, Card changes, Duels card changes and new season, Arena rotation, Event Track: Legends Take the Stage

Notable announcements[]

  • On March 14, 2023, the first expansion of Year of the Wolf, Festival of Legends was announced, around 1 week before the announcement of the Core set update.[2]
  • On March 23, 2023, the Year of the Wolf was announced. In this year, Team 5 focuses on specifically on improving Hearthstone and Battlegrounds, after Mercenaries was set into maintenance mode indefinitely.
    • Battlegrounds is planned to have "more new cards and updates than ever before".
    • Wild will receive an update focused on the format, containing new cards as well as updates to old cards.[3]
    • Tradeable is reintroduced as an evergreen keyword both in the Core set, as well as in upcoming expansions.
    • Priests also receive Overheal as a new evergreen keyword to reinforce their identity as a healing class and to make healing minions more impactful.
    • Magnetic is reintroduced just for this Core set (not as an evergreen keyword) with a few Magnetic Mechs from The Boomsday Project being brought back.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Year of the Wolf Core Set Update!. (2022-03-23). Retrieved on 2022-03-27.
  2. Announcing Festival of Legends, Hearthstone’s Next Expansion!. (2024-03-14). Retrieved on 2023-04-14.
  3. Year of the Wolf: 2023 Core Set Update. (2023-03-23). 