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Winged Guardian is a rare druid minion card, from the Galakrond's Awakening set.

How to get[]


Winged Guardian is an extraordinarily well-statted defensive minion, being Bog Creeper but with Reborn and Elusive. This card is exceptionally hard to kill, requiring a total of nine damage from at least two minions or Area of effect spells. Winged Guardian is best compared to Evasive Drakonid, which has slightly better offensive stats but loses one health and the Reborn effect.

As a Beast, Winged Guardian can be resummoned with Witching Hour or drawn with Predatory Instincts. Beast Druid can take advantage of this, alongside cards like Witchwood Grizzly and Amani War Bear to create a powerful wall. Winged Guardian works very well in Embiggen Druid, being one of the best pulls from Strength in Numbers and a great target for Embiggen itself.

The card can also be resurrected by Hadronox, with the Reborn providing two Winged Guardians in the pool. However, it's a bad card for dedicated Hadronox decks since it can prevent Witching Hour from resurrecting your key card.



In World of Warcraft, the Winged Guardian is a flying mount purchasable from the Blizzard Shop.

Wowpedia iconThis section uses content from Wowpedia.
When you take to the skies astride a blazing, eagle-winged lion, your comrades will know you mean business. Serious business. The majestic Winged Guardian is a titan creation from Uldum that was designed to protect Azeroth’s most ancient secrets.
Unearthed recently in an ancient tomb, this mighty winged lion may have once served one of the ancient Tol'vir princes.



Winged Guardian full

Winged Guardian, full art

Winged Guardian WoW

A Winged Guardian in World of Warcraft.
