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Can attack twice each turn.
Windfury minion ss

A minion with Windfury

Windfury hero ss

A hero with Windfury

For the card of the same name, see Windfury (card)

Windfury is an ability which allows a character to attack twice per turn. Windfury is most commonly found on shaman cards.

Windfury is visually indicated by a swirling gray/white wind animation around the affected character.


  • Windfury works by allowing a minion to attack if it has Windfury and 0 or 1 previous attacks that turn.
Example: A Raging Worgen makes its first attack, then gains Windfury due to its Enrage ability. It may make a second attack that turn, since it has Windfury and only 1 attack so far.[1]
Example: An enraged Raging Worgen with Windfury attacks once, and may attack again. Before doing so, it is healed to full Health, losing its enraged status and Windfury ability. It may no longer attack, since it is now a minion without Windfury that has already attacked that turn.
Example: An enraged Raging Worgen attacks twice, then loses Windfury due to healing. Later that turn, a Wild Pyromancer damages it, so it re-gains Windfury. It still cannot attack again that turn, since it has already attacked twice.[2]
  • Weapons with Windfury grant the ability to their heroes as long as they are equipped. The ability to attack again is based on the hero's previous attacks that turn, even those made with a different weapon (or no weapon).
Example: A shaman attacks for the first time in a turn with a Stormforged Axe, then equips Doomhammer, gaining its Windfury ability. The shaman attacks once again since it has Windfury and only 1 previous attack. After the second attack, even though Doomhammer has only been used in an attack once, the shaman cannot attack again.[1]
  • Windfury and Mega-Windfury (attack 4 times per turn) do not stack.[3] A minion with both Windfury and Mega-Windfury will only benefit from Mega-Windfury.[4]


A video explaining Windfury in Hearthstone made by the Curse Gamepedia YouTube Channel.

Windfury minions greatly benefit from Charge and Attack bonuses. Effectively each point of bonus Attack will increase a Windfury minion's total potential damage output by two instead of one. If planning to trade a Windfury minion for an enemy minion (destroying both minions), it is advisable whenever possible to make use of both of the Windfury minion's potential attacks before it is destroyed, such as by first attacking a weaker minion or the enemy hero, before then using the second attack to exchange fatal damage with the other minion.

Windfury minions are often high-priority soft taunts for the opponent, especially if they have no Taunts on the board. If the opponent has the right Taunt minions, such as a Taunt powerful enough to immediately destroy the minion if it attacks, a Windfury minion's ability can be effectively negated, due to a lack of non-fatal targets to attack.

Note that granting the Windfury ability to a minion after it has already attacked will allow it to attack once more that same turn. There is no difference whether you play it prior to attacking, or after. This can help by not showing your opponent your huge Windfury minion prior to being able to dish damage where you want it to go, and to avoid Taunts and/or Secrets.

When granting Windfury to a minion, it pays to consider carefully upon which minion to bestow this ability. Saving this ability until the opponent has no Taunts can allow the player to deal a surprise burst of damage to the opposing hero using a pre-summoned minion. Combining a Windfury buff with other buffs such as increased Attack can be particularly effective.

Cards with Windfury[]

For Wild format listings, see Windfury/Wild format


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Sources of Windfury[]

For Wild format listings, see Windfury/Wild format

Windfury granting cards[]

This section lists cards which grant the Windfury ability to other minions or to itself.

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THIS IS THE OLD WIKI. There will be outdated information. See this page in the new wiki


Name Requirements Rewards
Windfast and Windfurious (1/5) Play 5 cards with Windfury. 10 Achievement Point
Windfast and Windfurious (2/5) Play 15 cards with Windfury. 10 Achievement Point
Windfast and Windfurious (3/5) Play 50 cards with Windfury. 10 Achievement Point
Windfast and Windfurious (4/5) Play 150 cards with Windfury. 10 Achievement Point
Windfast and Windfurious (5/5) Play 500 cards with Windfury. 20 Achievement Point


  1. 1.0 1.1 Kripparrian (2015-06-15). Kripp's Best & Worst Arena Moments 7
  2. Tested by User:Jerodast, 2015-08-08
  3. Ben Brode on Twitter. (2014-11-09). 
  4. Ben Brode on Twitter. (2014-11-10). 