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This content is only for Tavern Brawl.
Tavern Brawl
The subject of this article is only available in Tavern Brawls.
It is a part of limited content and does not appear in any other game modes.
The subject of this article is only available in Tavern Brawls.
Venture into the Wild
"It's getting a little wild out there! Pick a class and we'll arm you with a Wild deck fit for battle!"

Venture into the Wild is a Tavern Brawl. It debuted on February 22, 2018. For exact times, see the schedule.


Tavern Brawl Start End
141 February 21, 2018 February 25, 2018


This Tavern Brawl features premade decks in the Wild format. Each class is assigned a specific deck.


This brawl is a part of the 2018 Wildfest Hearthstone event.



Class Card Quantity
Neutral Dire Mole 2
Neutral Dragon Egg 1
Druid Enchanted Raven 1
Neutral Fire Fly 1
Druid Living Roots 2
Druid Mark of the Lotus 2
Druid Raven Idol 2
Neutral Sir Finley Mrrgglton 1
Druid Anodized Robo Cub 1
Druid Druid of the Swarm 1
Neutral Echoing Ooze 1
Neutral Haunted Creeper 2
Druid Mark of Y'Shaarj 2
Neutral Nerubian Egg 1
Druid Power of the Wild 2
Druid Crypt Lord 1
Druid Savage Roar 2
Neutral Jeeves 1
Druid Soul of the Forest 2
Neutral Bittertide Hydra 1
Druid Living Mana 1


Class Card Quantity
Hunter Alleycat 1
Hunter Jeweled Macaw 1
Hunter Tracking 1
Hunter Cat Trick 2
Hunter Crackling Razormaw 2
Hunter Freezing Trap 2
Neutral Golakka Crawler 1
Hunter Quick Shot 2
Neutral Mad Scientist 2
Hunter Kindly Grandmother 1
Hunter Animal Companion 2
Hunter Bearshark 1
Hunter Eaglehorn Bow 2
Hunter Kill Command 2
Hunter Unleash the Hounds 2
Hunter Houndmaster 2
Neutral Piloted Shredder 1
Neutral Loatheb 1
Hunter Savannah Highmane 1


Class Card Quantity
Mage Kabal Lackey 2
Mage Mana Wyrm 2
Mage Arcanologist 2
Mage Frostbolt 2
Neutral Mad Scientist 2
Mage Medivh's Valet 2
Mage Primordial Glyph 2
Mage Arcane Intellect 2
Mage Counterspell 2
Mage Duplicate 2
Mage Ice Block 1
Mage Ethereal Arcanist 1
Mage Fireball 2
Neutral Azure Drake 2
Mage Kabal Crystal Runner 2
Neutral Dr. Boom 1
Mage Firelands Portal 1


Class Card Quantity
Paladin Lost in the Jungle 2
Paladin Righteous Protector 1
Paladin Equality 2
Paladin Hydrologist 1
Neutral Haunted Creeper 1
Paladin Shielded Minibot 2
Paladin Muster for Battle 2
Paladin Rallying Blade 2
Paladin Steward of Darkshire 2
Neutral Stonehill Defender 2
Paladin Consecration 2
Paladin Lightfused Stegodon 2
Paladin Truesilver Champion 1
Paladin Quartermaster 2
Paladin Stand Against Darkness 1-2
Paladin Spikeridged Steed 1-2
Paladin Sunkeeper Tarim 1
Neutral Bonemare 1
Paladin Tirion Fordring 1


Class Card Quantity
Priest Resurrect 2
Priest Shadow Visions 2
Priest Spirit Lash 2
Neutral Barnes 1
Priest Eternal Servitude 2
Priest Greater Healing Potion 2
Priest Mass Dispel 1-2
Priest Shadow Word: Horror 1-2
Priest Excavated Evil 1-2
Priest Dragonfire Potion 2
Priest Entomb 1-2
Priest Shadow Essence 2
Priest Lesser Diamond Spellstone 1
Priest Psychic Scream 1
Priest Shadowreaper Anduin 1
Neutral The Lich King 1
Neutral Ragnaros the Firelord 1
Priest Obsidian Statue 2
Neutral Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound 1


Class Card Quantity
Rogue Backstab 2
Rogue Deadly Poison 2
Neutral Patches the Pirate 1
Rogue Preparation 2
Neutral Southsea Deckhand 1
Rogue Swashburglar 2
Neutral Bloodmage Thalnos 1
Rogue Edwin VanCleef 1
Rogue Eviscerate 2
Rogue Sap 2
Rogue Fan of Knives 2
Rogue SI:7 Agent 2
Rogue Tinker's Sharpsword Oil 2
Rogue Tomb Pillager 2
Neutral Azure Drake 2
Rogue Vilespine Slayer 1-2
Neutral Gadgetzan Auctioneer 1
Rogue Sprint 1-2


Class Card Quantity
Neutral Bloodsail Corsair 1
Shaman Lightning Bolt 1
Neutral Patches the Pirate 1
Neutral Sir Finley Mrrgglton 1
Shaman Tunnel Trogg 2
Shaman Crackle 2
Shaman Devolve 1-2
Shaman Flametongue Totem 2
Shaman Jade Claws 2
Shaman Maelstrom Portal 2
Shaman Totem Golem 2
Shaman Whirling Zap-o-matic 1-2
Shaman Feral Spirit 1-2
Shaman Lava Burst 2
Shaman Flamewreathed Faceless 2
Shaman Jade Lightning 2
Neutral Azure Drake 1
Shaman Aya Blackpaw 1


Class Card Quantity
Neutral Mistress of Mixtures 1
Warlock Power Overwhelming 1
Warlock Darkbomb 1
Warlock Dark Peddler 1
Neutral Doomsayer 1
Neutral Earthen Ring Farseer 1
Warlock Imp Gang Boss 1
Warlock Shadow Bolt 1
Neutral Tar Creeper 1
Warlock Void Terror 1
Warlock Blastcrystal Potion 1
Warlock Kazakus 1
Warlock Lakkari Felhound 1
Warlock Shadowflame 1
Neutral Twilight Drake 1
Warlock Voidcaller 1
Neutral Antique Healbot 1
Warlock Despicable Dreadlord 1
Warlock Doomguard 1
Warlock Possessed Lackey 1
Neutral Emperor Thaurissan 1
Neutral Reno Jackson 1
Warlock Abyssal Enforcer 1
Neutral The Lich King 1
Warlock Twisting Nether 1
Warlock Krul the Unshackled 1
Warlock Lord Jaraxxus 1
Warlock Mal'Ganis 1
Warlock Bloodreaver Gul'dan 1
Neutral Mountain Giant 1


Class Card Quantity
Neutral Patches the Pirate 1
Neutral Sir Finley Mrrgglton 1
Neutral Southsea Deckhand 1-2
Warrior N'Zoth's First Mate 2
Warrior Upgrade! 2
Neutral Bloodsail Raider 1-2
Warrior Heroic Strike 1-2
Neutral Ship's Cannon 2
Warrior Bloodsail Cultist 2
Warrior Fiery War Axe 1
Neutral Frothing Berserker 1-2
Neutral Southsea Captain 2
Warrior Death's Bite 1
Neutral Dread Corsair 2
Warrior Kor'kron Elite 2
Warrior Mortal Strike 1
Neutral Piloted Shredder 1
Warrior Arcanite Reaper 1
Neutral Leeroy Jenkins 1
Neutral Dr. Boom 1


The types of deck represented are as follows:
