Hearthstone Wiki
Uncraftable screenshot

The 'uncraftable' quality

Uncraftable (previously called soulbound) is a card quality found on certain cards. Uncraftable cards cannot be crafted, disenchanted nor cannot appear in packs. Uncraftable quality is mostly determined by card set, and in some cases differs by regular or golden version.

Uncraftable cards[]

By default, these cards are considered "uncraftable":

There are also specific versions of cards granted through promotions or other ways:

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Icon MercWorkshop
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Regular uncraftable cards
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
OG 281
DRG 242
SCH 199
SW 079
BAR 721
REV 018
TSC 067
TSC 032
ETC 080
TTN 751
ETC 425
BAR 080
BT 255
SW 078
DRG 610
DRG 620
DRG 650
DRG 660
DRG 600
RLK 593
TTN 090
DMF 074
WON 135
LOOT 357
DRG 402
RLK 590
OG 280
AV 141t
REV 906
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Icon MercWorkshop
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Golden uncraftable cards
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
RLK 824 Premium1
RLK 833 Premium1
TTN 732 Premium1
REV 308 Premium1
SW 065 Premium1
ETC 350 Premium1
BAR 022 Premium1
AV 219 Premium1
ETC 105 Premium1
TSC 909 Premium1
BAR 060 Premium1
SW 072 Premium1
RLK 900 Premium1
TTN 712 Premium1
TSC 938 Premium1
BAR 065 Premium1
TSC 017 Premium1
AV 101 Premium1
REV 957 Premium1
SW 056 Premium1
TTN 715 Premium1
AV 215 Premium1
ETC 088 Premium1
REV 375 Premium1
RLK 957 Premium1
TSC 827 Premium1
TTN 742 Premium1
RLK 951 Premium1
AV 147 Premium1
SW 306 Premium1
AV 660 Premium1
SW 070 Premium1
TSC 826 Premium1
SW 400 Premium1
ETC 542 Premium1
AV 360 Premium1
BAR 430 Premium1
BAR 076 Premium1
AV 112 Premium1
TTN 718 Premium1
AV 664 Premium1
ETC 098 Premium1
REV 901 Premium1
AV 344 Premium1
AV 134 Premium1
TTN 714 Premium1
AV 135 Premium1
BAR 072 Premium1
REV 019 Premium1
REV 946 Premium1
RLK 950 Premium1
TSC 645 Premium1
ETC 419 Premium1
AV 290 Premium1
ETC 104 Premium1
SW 075 Premium1
ETC 087 Premium1
SCH 199 Premium1
RLK 952 Premium1
AV 138 Premium1
TTN 734 Premium1
REV 023 Premium1
RLK 831 Premium1
TSC 052 Premium1
BAR 042 Premium1
TTN 724 Premium1
REV 017 Premium1
DAL 800 Premium1
SW 079 Premium1
REV 018 Premium1
BOT 700 Premium1
TSC 032 Premium1
AV 100 Premium1
ETC 080 Premium1
TTN 751 Premium1
ETC 425 Premium1
AV 223 Premium1
PRO 001 Premium1
BAR 080 Premium1
EX1 112 Premium1
BT 255 Premium1
RLK 593 Premium1
TTN 090 Premium1
DMF 074 Premium1
LOOT 357 Premium1
DRG 402 Premium1
RLK 590 Premium1
AV 141t Premium1

The rules for cards from adventures are a little more complex:

  • Cards from Standard format adventures which the player has not yet collected are uncraftable. This forces the player to 'earn' these cards through completing the corresponding adventure.
  • All other adventure cards are craftable, including Standard format adventure cards the player has already collected, and all cards from Wild format adventures. This allows players to disenchant and craft copies of adventure cards they have already earned, and to craft cards from adventures which are no longer available in the Shop.


  • If viewed in the Collection, cards which are uncraftable will state this in place of the crafting interface presented for craftable cards.
  • The uncraftable quality forces players to earn the Basic cards specific to their class, and allows golden Basic cards to be a special reward for reaching certain levels, since they cannot be crafted otherwise. It also prevents players from obtaining cards from adventure sets until they have beaten the corresponding encounter. The restriction on the specific versions of cards granted through promotions varies in purpose. For golden Promo cards, the uncraftable quality allows the original limited-edition golden versions of these cards to remain as unique rewards from special promotions, while still making the regular versions available to all players. For cards granted through in-game promotions like Whispers of the Old GodsC'Thun and Whispers of the Old GodsBeckoner of Evil, the uncraftable quality may be intended to prevent players wasting dust crafting these cards before they encounter the related promotion.
  • The uncraftable quality also prevents players from simply disenchanting uncraftable cards to make other cards. In the case of golden Basic and Promo cards, this can be seen as a means of encouraging players to actually use these aesthetic rewards, instead of trading them in for the more substantial benefit of a crafted card.


  • Soulbound (the original term for "uncraftable") is an item property found in World of Warcraft. Soulbound items cannot be mailed or traded to other characters. This prevents players from exchanging soulbound goods, or sending them to lower-level alts. Most powerful gear is soulbound, forcing characters to earn their own rewards, although some items can be traded freely, and others such as heirlooms are specifically designed to be traded to alts. While Hearthstone does not allow cards to be traded, the soulbound quality's purpose is similar, in preventing special rewards from being attained without truly earning them.

Patch changes[]

  • Whispers of the Old Gods logo Patch (2016-04-24): Cards from the Reward set are no longer uncraftable. [This change was quickly reverted, before finally being reinstated in a hotfix on May 4.]
  • The League of Explorers logo Patch (2016-03-14): In preparation for the release of game formats, all adventure cards except for Standard format adventure cards the player has not yet obtained are now craftable.
  • The Grand Tournament logo Patch (2015-09-29): "Soulbound" cards are now called "Uncraftable".