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Trade Prince Gallywix is the final boss that can be encountered in Chapter 1 of The Dalaran Heist adventure.

Hero Power[]

Normal Heroic


The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Normal Heroic
Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity
Rogue Pilfer 1 Rogue Eviscerate 2
Togwaggle's Scheme 1 Underbelly Fence 2
Evasion 2 Blink Fox 2
Underbelly Fence 2 Edwin VanCleef 1
Hench-Clan Burglar 2 Shadow Strike 2
WANTED! 2 Shaku, the Collector 1
Ethereal Peddler 1 Hench-Clan Burglar 2
Thistle Tea 1 Obsidian Shard 2
Neutral Baleful Banker 2 Vendetta 2
Booty Bay Bookie 2 Spectral Cutlass 1
Dirty Rat 2 Ethereal Peddler 2
Hoarding Dragon 2 Vilespine Slayer 2
Mechanical Yeti 2 Trade Prince Gallywix 1
Fel Reaver 2 Tess Greymane 1
Second-Rate Bruiser 2 Neutral Stonesplinter Trogg 2
Gadgetzan Auctioneer 2 Burly Rockjaw Trogg 2
Safeguard 2 Burgly Bully 2
Troggzor the Earthinator 1


Before match

Heistbaron Togwaggle
Bah, goblin King. All hat. No candle.
Evil goblin gets money from capiter-lism, instead of honest thievery.
Is biggest, mostest important goblin! You can tell by belly.
Oh! It is being goblin King! You distract, I take wallet.


Trade Prince Gallywix
You steal from Dalaran, you steal from ME.
I've met a lot of snakes in my day, but this one takes the cake! (vs. Vessina)
Oooh sorry. Let me step aside so you CAN STEAL FROM ME. (vs. Mr. Chu)
vs. Captain Eudora
Captain Eudora
Quiet I've got a robbery to commit.
Trade Prince Gallywix
Couldn't they have hired a REAL pirate for this job?

Emote Response

Trade Prince Gallywix
Time is money. So you're wasting my money. And I don't like that.

Turn 1-2

Trade Prince Gallywix
These mages SAID it would be impossible to crack this vault.
But what do I see here? A whole crew of crooks standing in front of me!
I don't usually like to get my hands dirty but, I gotta protect my investments!

Hero Power

Trade Prince Gallywix
Buy yourself something nice with that.
Greed. Is good.
I'VE got the best deals, anywhere.
I'll buy it nice and CHEAP.
Oh this was worth it. So worth it.
Yeah, yeah I'll take one of those.
Gallywix's full hand
I'd buy that from you, but my hands are full over here.
Oh you think you're so clever, eh? I didn't even want it.
Okay wise guy. That'll end up biting you where the sun don't shine.
The Coin
I turned a coin into an empire. Yet you waste yours on CARDS.
That's an even trade.
1-mana card
This has been the worst deal in the history of Azeroth.
Player's treasure
I don't want to say you're making a mistake here but…
You're gonna sell that to me? For a coin? Nice.


Trade Prince Gallywix
Do you have any idea how much I've... "Invested" in this place?
I've dealt with crooks before, you're no worse.
Look, I got a business to run. Hurry things up.
They don't call me the Trade Prince for nothing here, capiche?

Boss cards

Trade Prince Gallywix
Treasure of player (bought by hero power)
I hope it was worth it for you. Not really.
Really, I gotta thank you for this one.

Player's cards

Trade Prince Gallywix
Gallywix's Coin
See? You got something out of this deal.
You're welcome.
Pick Pocket
Are you some kind of kleptomaniacal lowlife?
HEY HEY! Get your filthy hands out of my POCKETS!
Trade Prince Gallywix
My my my, what a handsome portrayal of gluttony.
A gambling type, eh? I like your style!


Trade Prince Gallywix


Trade Prince Gallywix
My bank is saved! Oh yeah, and the city.


"I never cover up the things I'm proud of. If the world was gonna split in half tomorrow, I’d buy the Dark Portal, slap a toll booth on it, and charge refugees the last of their pocket change, the rings off their fingers, a bite of their sandwiches, and a contractual obligation to build me a rocket palace in the skies of Nagrand. It’s the goblin way! Supply and demand! Deal with it!"
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Jastor Gallywix is the much-maligned Trade Prince of the Bilgewater Cartel, one of the most powerful goblin trade guilds on Kezan. Despite betraying his own people in a petty act of vengeance, he retains his position as Trade Prince of the Bilgewater Cartel in its service to the Horde.


Trade Prince Gallywix full

Trade Prince Gallywix (boss), full art
