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Timothy Jones is a boss that can be encountered in Chapter 3 of The Dalaran Heist adventure.

Hero Power[]

Normal Heroic


The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Normal Heroic
Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity
Paladin Wickerflame Burnbristle 1 Paladin Crystology 2
Blessing of Kings 1 Getaway Kodo 2
Val'anyr 1 Never Surrender! 1
Ragnaros, Lightlord 1 Noble Sacrifice 1
Tirion Fordring 1 Righteous Protector 2
Neutral Shifter Zerus 1 Crystalsmith Kangor 1
Bloodmage Thalnos 1 Wickerflame Burnbristle 1
Lorewalker Cho 1 Blessing of Kings 1
Millhouse Manastorm 1 Neutral Argent Squire 2
Nat Pagle 1 Annoy-o-Tron 2
Tinkmaster Overspark 1 Cloakscale Chemist 2
Zola the Gorgon 1 Silent Knight 2
Barnes 1 Tar Creeper 2
Griftah 1 Psych-o-Tron 1
Weaponized Pinata 1 Zilliax 1
Blingtron 3000 1 Sylvanas Windrunner 1
Dollmaster Dorian 1 Mosh'Ogg Enforcer 1
Elite Tauren Chieftain 1
Harrison Jones 1
Leeroy Jenkins 1
Loatheb 1
Prince Malchezaar 1
Cairne Bloodhoof 1
Emperor Thaurissan 1
Marin the Fox 1



Timothy Jones
Oh my, that outfit. You could use something new, yes?
George! You're lookin' a bit... drab. Where's Karl? (vs. George the Fallen)

Emote Response

Timothy Jones
My my, you keep running your mouth.

Hero Power

Timothy Jones
Making a minion golden
Let's class things up a bit more.
This goes with my outfit better.
This one could be a bit more... beautiful!
Would look a lot better in gold.
Now this. This I can work with.
Oh you are just STUNNING.
That ferocity! Lookin' good!
The crowd is loving it. This one's a natural.


Timothy Jones
Does my hair look OK?
You villains could accessorize better, at the very least.
Your outfit is rags and bags. Get a grip.

Turn 1

Timothy Jones
Maybe I could find you something more... beautiful?

Blessing of Kings

Timothy Jones
An outfit fit for a king!

Crystalsmith Kangor of boss / player

Timothy Jones
I'm a bit of a crystalsmith myself, you know.

Player's cards

Timothy Jones
Blingtron 3000
Now that's a mech with a sense of style!
Gadgetzan Auctioneer
Oh no no, these are not for sale.
Any spellstone
Well, that's a fancy rock!
At least you've got some bling on you.


Timothy Jones


Timothy Jones
Let's face it, you never had a chance.


Timothy Jones (a.k.a. TJ) is a human jewelcrafting trainer and quest giver found in Cartier & Co. Fine Jewelry in Dalaran.


Timothy Jones full

Timothy Jones, full art
