Type |
Selected |
The power of the Neferset will answer.
Opening remark |
Prepare your regrets.
Thanks |
Your servitude will be rewarded.
Well Played |
That was admirable.
Greetings |
You have been noticed.
Wow |
Most impressive.
Oops |
I so loathe carelessness.
Threaten |
You will only hurt yourself here.
Sorry |
Let us put this behind us.
Attack |
Feel the fury of the sands!
Concede |
I have no more time for this.
Thinking [1] |
Thinking [2] |
So many dark powers, so little time...
Thinking [3] |
What form of wickedness shall I choose?
Almost out of time |
The sands of time run short.
Almost out of cards |
I am low on cards.
Out of cards |
There are no cards left.
Error: Too many minions |
My board is full? Amusing.
Error: Generic |
Error: Hand already full |
Behold, my hand is full.
Error: Hero already attacked |
I already attacked. It was magnificent.
Error: Minion not ready |
It requires a turn before it is ready.
Error: Minion exhausted |
That minion has already attacked.
Error: Not enough mana |
I lack mana.
Error: Need a weapon |
I require a weapon.
Error: Can't play that card |
I cannot play that.
Error: Can't target stealthed minions |
That minion hides from me.
Error: Not a valid target |
I am unable to target that.
Error: Must attack taunt minion |
A minion with taunt is in the way.
Dark Pact is played |
Not the first pact I have made...
Renounce Darkness is played |
I will cast off this shell of darkness.
Unwilling Sacrifice is played |
Your sacrifice is needed.
Cataclysm is played |
The cataclsym returns...