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Hearthstone Wiki

Mechagnome Race Page[]

I'm thinking a new mechagnome race page should be created. She is incorrectly labeled as "Gnome". Any reason this shouldn't be done? Rarumas (talk) 20:46, 4 February 2023 (UTC)

  • I'd rather wait until there are a few more mechagnomes in the game. I don't really like having categorization pages just for one card, especially when there is a "close enough" race to use instead. For example, Valdris Felgorge is listed as a blood elf even though he's a felblood elf. One or two more and a page is fine to make, though. TheMurlocAggroB (talk) 21:01, 4 February 2023 (UTC)
    • If I'm not wrong, Clockwork Gnome, Enhance-o Mechano, and Blingtron 3000 are also mechagnomes. VGhost01 (talk) 21:41, 4 February 2023 (UTC)
      • Well, not quite. There's two different things in WoW called mechagnomes, one being the pre-Curse of Flesh form of gnomes which are those three minions (and Micro Mummy), and then there are Mechagon mechagnomes who are a faction of Gnomeragon gnomes that have replaced parts of their bodies with machines to try and undo the Curse of Flesh in their own way. Ini is the only Mechagon mechagnome in the game. Although, I suppose we could make a page that covers both types. TheMurlocAggroB (talk) 02:10, 5 February 2023 (UTC)
        • I think it would be better two keep Mechagon mechagnomes separate from the other mechagnomes. I'm convinced a new race page shouldn't be created until there are more Mechagon mechagnomes too. I do hope to see more in the future! Rarumas (talk) 01:31, 11 February 2023 (UTC)