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Supreme Archaeology is a legendary warlock spell card, from the Saviors of Uldum set.

Generated Hero Power[]

Tome of Origination


The masterminds of E.V.I.L. are also canvassing Uldum for artifacts. Rafaam brings his very... particular set of skills to his fellow warlocks in the form of Supreme Archaeology.[1]

The Tome of Origination is unique to Hearthstone, but its name implies a connection to the Forge of Origination−a titan-forged device capable of destroying all life on Azeroth−the Halls of Origination that surround the forge, or the Staff of Origination sought after by Rafaam during the events of The League of Explorers.


  • The name of Supreme Archaeology is in reference to Rafaam's self-styled title of "the supreme archaeologist", which appears in the summon quote of the collectible Arch-Thief Rafaam card, the opening of the Rafaam Unleashed boss encounter, and the An Evil Exchange Tavern Brawl.
  • Supreme Archaeology's flavor text is a reference to the start of the Arch-Thief Rafaam boss encounter in The League of Explorers, in which Rafaam steals the player's deck with the words "I like your deck. I think I will TAKE IT."
  • The reward is similar to Wilfred Fizzlebang which also sets cost to 0 whenever its drawn from hero power.


Supreme Archaeology full

Supreme Archaeology, full art


  1. Hearthstone (2019-07-01). Saviors of Uldum Announcement Trailer | Hearthstone. YouTube. Retrieved on 2019-07-01.