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Stonesplinter Trogg is a common neutral minion card, from the Goblins vs Gnomes set.
Troggs are a race of primitive, aggressive and extremely unintelligent humanoids found on Azeroth. An Old God-warped deviation from one of the Titans' original designs for life on the planet, the neanderthal-like troggs possess little in the way of intelligence, but are still a dangerous threat when encountered. In Hearthstone, troggs are known for spell-related triggered effects.

- The troggs are the variation of humanoid created by the Curse of Flesh from the first type of Earthen created by the Titans. They retain the strength of the Earthen, but suffer from vastly reduced cognitive abilities.
- This card's flavor text is a reference to the Vogons, a fictional race from the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series.
- The artwork for this card comes from the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game "War of the Ancients" series, for the card Trogg Earthrager.