This page lists all spell cards in Hearthstone. For more information about spells, see Spell.
Spells are the second most common card type, after minions.
- For Wild format listings, see Spell/Wild format
Collectible spells can be collected by players and added to decks. All collectible spells are class-specific. The list of cards here is quite extensive, and so is not listed visually, but can be explored through the tables below. Click "Expand" to see the table. The table will list only the first 200 cards; to see more, click "Go to query" and change the number of cards presented.
- For Wild format listings, see Spell/Wild format
Uncollectible spells cannot be collected by players or directly placed into decks. However, they can be obtained during play through the effects of other cards. The Coin is the exception: at the start of each game it is placed in the hand of the player who is chosen to go second.