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Wild format
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Spell Hunter is a wild-exclusive archetype. For more information, see Game format.

Rhok'delar full

No minions? No problem!

Spell Hunter is a Hunter deck type, that was first used after release of Kobolds and Catacombs. This deck has no minions to activate To My Side! and Rhok'delar effects. It relies on minions summoned by Animal Companion, To My Side! and Lesser Emerald Spellstone and created by Deathstalker Rexxar's Build-A-Beast.

The deck shares similarities with Secret Hunter, where the main bulk of the early game is playing Secrets to power up Lesser Emerald Spellstone. Although it doesn't get the benefits of Cloaked Huntress for huge tempo swings or Subject 9 for massive card draw, as well as being unable to include Neutral tech cards like Spellbreaker or Mossy Horror, To My Side! and Rhok'delar add a great amount of value. Because of its ability to function without minions, it was commonly used to abuse the Barnes and Y'Shaarj combo before they rotated out of the Standard year.

Common cards[]

Wild iconThis section concerns content exclusive to Wild format.

The following cards are usually in the deck.

Core cards[]

The following cards are played in most or all versions of the deck:

Secret Plan
Freezing Trap
Explosive Trap
Quick Shot
Cat Trick
Wandering Monster
Animal Companion
Kill Command
Eaglehorn Bow
Flanking Strike
Marked Shot
Lesser Emerald Spellstone
To My Side!
Unleash the Beast
Deathstalker Rexxar

Optional cards[]

The following cards are played more than occasionally, but not always:

Arcane Shot
Rapid Fire
Hunter's Mark
Lock and Load
Revenge of the Wild
Snake Trap
Bear Trap
Venomstrike Trap
Rat Trap
Bomb Toss
Deadly Shot
Unleash the Hounds
Wing Blast
Baited Arrow
Explosive Shot
Ball of Spiders
Crushing Walls
Call of the Wild
Y'Shaarj, Rage Unbound