Spell cards are cards that can be played to trigger a one time effect or ability, described in the card's text. Casting a spell consumes the card, producing an immediate effect, although spells with the Secret or Quest ability are delayed until activated by specific events. Spell cards do not have Attack or Health attributes, only a mana cost, shown in the top left corner.
Spell cards are the second most common type of card. In contrast to minions, spells provide a range of functions, ranging from simple damage-dealing and removal of minions, to providing useful enchantments, drawing cards, summoning minions and restoring Health.
- Nearly all collectable spells are class-specific. Certain Neutral minions can generate non-collectable Neutral spells.
- March of the Lich King introduced the game's first ever collectable Neutral spell, The Sunwell.
- In Hearthstone the term spell is not limited to describing magical effects, but is roughly equivalent to the term ability from games like World of Warcraft, including magical abilities, traditional spell-casting, and physical abilities such as Cleave, Eviscerate and Slam. Spell cards generally represent all actions taken directly by a hero other than attacking and using Hero Powers.
- The damage dealt by damaging spells can be increased by Spell Damage.
Spell cards[]
- Main article: Spell card list
The full list of spell cards is too lengthy to display here, but can be found on Spell card list.
Related cards[]
- For Wild format listings, see Spell/Wild format
The following cards have specific synergy with spells, such as providing additional effects when spells are cast.
For cards which have synergy specifically with Secrets, but not with other types of spell, see Secret-related.
Cards that generate spells[]
- For Wild format listings, see Spell/Wild format
The following cards specifically generate new spells through their card text. For effects that generate cards in general, see Generate.
Spell schools[]
Added in Forged in the Barrens, some spells belong to specific schools. Acting as a parallel to Minion types, spell schools allow certain cards to interact with spells that belong to the stated school. Each of the schools are based on the basic Magic schools in World of Warcraft, with the exception of Fel. Spell schools are relatively restricted to caster classes like Mage and Priest, as there is no Physical school to encompass many Warrior and Rogue spells.
Hearthstone features the following spell schools:
- Arcane - Found primarily on Mage and Druid spells, Arcane focuses on manipulating pure energy for a variety of effects.
- Fel - Found primarily on Warlock and Demon Hunter spells, Fel is the magic of Demons, allowing you to channel their powers and summon them.
- Fire - Found primarily on Mage and Warlock spells, Fire mainly encompasses direct damage and devastating Area of effect effects.
- Frost - Found primarily on Death Knight, Mage, and Shaman spells, Frost magic is based around the Freeze keyword, stalling enemy minions.
- Holy - Found primarily on Paladin and Priest spells, the Holy Light provides healing and holy wrath.
- Nature - Found primarily on Shaman and Druid spells, Nature represents the untamed power of the wild.
- Shadow - Found primarily on Death Knight, Priest, and Warlock spells, Shadow is the magic of the Void.
- General - Spells without a school do not benefit from any school synergies.
Related cards[]
The following cards have synergy with spell schools in general. For cards that have synergy with one specific spell school, see that spell school's page.
- Card frames
- Dual-class frames
- History
Neutral prior to Patch
Hunter prior to Patch
Patch changes[]
- Patch (2021-03-25): Text borders are thicker and added support for spell schools display.