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Soggoth the Slitherer is a legendary neutral minion card, from the Whispers of the Old Gods set.



Soggoth the Slitherer is a massive n'raqi or "faceless one".

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Soggoth the Slitherer is the name of the slain tentacled creature, a minion of the Old Gods, at the Master's Glaive in Darkshore.
According to Archaeologist Groff, the Master's Glaive was the site of an ancient battle. The titans sent twenty of their stone giants against Soggoth. Of those twenty giants, only one survived. The tablets say that Kronn, the largest of the stone giants, allowed himself to be entangled by Soggoth's tendrils -- just long enough to be lifted close enough to the creature's skull and within reach of Kronn's mighty sword.
In the wake of the shattering of Azeroth the Twilight's Hammer clan sought to resurrect Soggoth. However due to interference of the Ancients and the Alliance they were only able to bring forth a remnant of the being back to alive. During the battle that followed Alliance adventures were able to slay the Avatar of Soggoth, putting an end to the Slitherer and saving Darkshore.


Soggoth the Slitherer full

Soggoth the Slitherer, full art

Soggoth the Slitherer WoW

The remains of Soggoth the Slitherer in World of Warcraft
