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Skelesaurus Hex is a boss found in the League of Explorers adventure. He is the first boss in the adventure's fourth and final wing, Hall of Explorers.

Hero Power[]

Normal Heroic

Special cards[]


The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Normal Heroic
Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity
Boss Tail Swipe 2 Boss Tail Swipe 2
Druid Wildwalker 2 Druid Wildwalker 2
Hunter Webspinner 2 Hunter Webspinner 2
Bear Trap 2 Bear Trap 2
Snake Trap 2 Dart Trap 2
Gahz'rilla 1 Snake Trap 2
King Krush 1 Ram Wrangler 2
Shaman Ancestral Spirit 2 Savannah Highmane 2
Warlock Curse of Rafaam 2 Gahz'rilla 1
Neutral Bloodfen Raptor 2 King Krush 1
Haunted Creeper 2 Shaman Ancestral Spirit 2
Huge Toad 2 Neutral Bloodfen Raptor 2
Arcane Golem 2 Huge Toad 2
Emperor Cobra 2 Mad Scientist 2
Jungle Panther 2 King Mukla 1
King Mukla 1 Devilsaur 2
The Beast 1 The Beast 1




Before match

Arch-Thief Rafaam
What a wonderful museum. Here, meet my new friend, Skelesaurus Hex!


Skelesaurus Hex

Emote Response

Skelesaurus Hex

Turn 1

Elise Starseeker
The staff was cursed! It summoned the Ethereal through our wards. He’s stealing everything!
Arch-Thief Rafaam
Not everything. Just the good things.

Turn 3

Arch-Thief Rafaam
Oooh, is this really Arthas’ signet ring? And in mint condition.
Elise Starseeker
Reno, Brann, hide the artifacts.

Turn 5

Brann Bronzebeard
He’s animating an army! Elise, stop him!
Elise Starseeker
Tel'zaxus Nalore! The staff’s too strong, but I can slow him down!


Elise Starseeker
We'll help with the exhibits. Explorer, you get to Rafaam!


Skelesaurus Hex is original to Hearthstone. It seems to reappear in slightly tamer form as Fossilized Devilsaur.


File:Fossilized Devilsaur full.png

Skelesaurus Hex, full art

