The subject of this article is only available in Tavern Brawls.
It is a part of limited content and does not appear in any other game modes.
The subject of this article is only available in Tavern Brawls.

- "Grab your weapon and head to the Rumbledome! When the felfire burns brightest, many will fight... and ONE will win."
Rumbledome! is a Tavern Brawl. It debuted on July 1, 2020.
Tavern Brawl | Start | End |
264 | July 1, 2020 | July 8, 2020 |
This Tavern Brawl sees players taking on prebuilt decks as special heroes. Most heroes are dual-class.
At the start of the game, players Discover one of three special weapons, from a list of eight.
Special cards[]
- Dual-class heroes will count as both classes for the purpose of Quests.
- Aranna Starseeker
Class | Card | Quantity |
Hunter |
Consume Magic | 1 |
Twin Slice | 2 | |
Blade Dance | 1 | |
Chaos Strike | 2 | |
Furious Felfin | 2 | |
Immolation Aura | 1 | |
Netherwalker | 2 | |
Spectral Sight | 1 | |
Aldrachi Warblades | 2 | |
Coordinated Strike | 1 | |
Altruis the Outcast | 1 | |
Ashtongue Battlelord | 2 | |
Illidari Felblade | 2 | |
Kayn Sunfury | 1 | |
Glaivebound Adept | 2 | |
Imprisoned Antaen | 2 | |
Skull of Gul'dan | 2 | |
Priestess of Fury | 1 | |
Hunter | Imprisoned Felmaw | 2 |
- Elise of the Wasteland
Class | Card | Quantity |
Boss | Elise's Machete (Tombs of Terror) | 1 |
Druid | Treenforcements | 2 |
Dreamway Guardians | 2 | |
Ironbark | 2 | |
Shrubadier | 2 | |
Branching Paths | 1 | |
Swipe | 2 | |
Emerald Explorer | 2 | |
Nourish | 1 | |
Priest | Renew | 2 |
Radiant Elemental | 2 | |
Sethekk Veilweaver | 2 | |
Apotheosis | 2 | |
Dragonmaw Overseer | 2 | |
Holy Nova | 2 | |
Mass Dispel | 1 | |
Skeletal Dragon | 2 |
- Illidan Stormrage
Class | Card | Quantity |
Hunter |
Mana Burn | 2 |
Twin Slice | 2 | |
Chaos Strike | 2 | |
Furious Felfin | 2 | |
Netherwalker | 2 | |
Spectral Sight | 1 | |
Coordinated Strike | 1 | |
Eye Beam | 2 | |
Wrathscale Naga | 1 | |
Ashtongue Battlelord | 2 | |
Kayn Sunfury | 1 | |
Command the Illidari | 2 | |
Metamorphosis | 1 | |
Warglaives of Azzinoth | 1 | |
Imprisoned Antaen | 2 | |
Skull of Gul'dan | 1 | |
Priestess of Fury | 2 | |
Inner Demon | 2 | |
Neutral | Kael'thas Sunstrider | 1 |
- Karnuk
Class | Card | Quantity |
Hunter |
Consume Magic | 2 |
Command the Illidari | 2 | |
Imprisoned Antaen | 2 | |
Priest | Holy Smite | 2 |
Imprisoned Homunculus | 2 | |
Reliquary of Souls | 1 | |
Spirit Lash | 2 | |
Dragonmaw Overseer | 2 | |
Kabal Talonpriest | 2 | |
Shadow Madness | 2 | |
High Priest Amet | 1 | |
Convincing Infiltrator | 2 | |
Vol'jin | 1 | |
Prophet Velen | 1 | |
Obsidian Statue | 2 | |
Neutral | Overconfident Orc | 2 |
Mosh'Ogg Enforcer | 2 |
- Kriziki
Class | Card | Quantity |
Boss | Rusted Voidwalker | 2 |
Deteriorate | 2 | |
Rusted Fungal Giant | 2 | |
Priest | Penance | 2 |
Sethekk Veilweaver | 2 | |
Breath of the Infinite | 2 | |
Kabal Talonpriest | 2 | |
Vivid Nightmare | 2 | |
Kabal Songstealer | 2 | |
Psyche Split | 2 | |
Warlock | Duskbat | 2 |
Spreading Madness | 2 | |
Diseased Vulture | 2 | |
Neutral | Dread Raven | 2 |
Bad Luck Albatross | 1 | |
Scaled Nightmare | 1 |
- Mecha-Jaraxxus
Class | Card | Quantity |
Boss | Rusted Voidwalker | 2 |
Deteriorate | 1 | |
Rusted Basilisk | 1 | |
Rusted Legion Gan'arg | 1 | |
Rusted Fungal Giant | 2 | |
Rustsworn Champion | 2 | |
Mage | Astromancer Solarian | 1 |
Paladin | Murgur Murgurgle | 1 |
Priest | Reliquary of Souls | 1 |
Warlock | Unstable Felbolt | 1 |
Felstalker | 2 | |
Imprisoned Scrap Imp | 2 | |
Hellfire | 2 | |
Dread Infernal | 2 | |
Felfire Potion | 2 | |
Hand of Gul'dan | 2 | |
Enhanced Dreadlord | 2 | |
Warrior | Kargath Bladefist | 1 |
Neutral | Scrapyard Colossus | 2 |
- Shalja
Class | Card | Quantity |
Hunter |
Shadowhoof Slayer | 2 |
Furious Felfin | 1 | |
Sightless Watcher | 2 | |
Aldrachi Warblades | 2 | |
Wrathscale Naga | 4 | |
Ashtongue Battlelord | 2 | |
Coilfang Warlord | 1 | |
Shaman | Ancestral Knowledge | 2 |
Maelstrom Portal | 1 | |
Bogstrok Clacker | 2 | |
Marshspawn | 2 | |
Serpentshrine Portal | 2 | |
Torrent | 1 | |
The Lurker Below | 1 | |
Bogshaper | 1 | |
Neutral | Bilefin Tidehunter | 2 |
Terrorguard Escapee | 2 |
- Sklibb
Class | Card | Quantity |
Hunter |
Spectral Sight | 2 |
Coordinated Strike | 1 | |
Wrathscale Naga | 2 | |
Druid | Treenforcements | 2 |
Dreamway Guardians | 2 | |
Fungal Fortunes | 1 | |
Ironbark | 1 | |
Wrath | 1 | |
Archspore Msshi'fn | 1 | |
Blessing of the Ancients | 2 | |
Bogbeam | 1 | |
Coordinated Strike | 1 | |
Imprisoned Satyr | 2 | |
Landscaping | 1 | |
Savage Roar | 1 | |
Overgrowth | 1 | |
Soul of the Forest | 1 | |
Living Mana | 2 | |
Nourish | 1 | |
Marsh Hydra | 2 | |
The Forest's Aid | 1 | |
Ysiel Windsinger | 1 |