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Rhonin is a legendary mage minion card, from the Grand Tournament set.

Generated cards[]

Arcane Missiles



"Not all that long ago, the Kirin Tor took a bold step in selecting Rhonin to be its leader. He was unorthodox and outspoken—impetuous and stubborn. He had a tremendous sense of humor and great love of friends and family. He took Dalaran in a new direction and led the Kirin Tor through a war with the very Aspect who had been chosen to guide and monitor magic. He died as he had lived—protecting and helping others."
- Jaina Proudmoore
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Rhonin was an adventurer and the former leader of the Kirin Tor. A powerful human mage, Rhonin was instrumental in breaking the power of the orcs at the end of the Second War by freeing the Dragonqueen Alexstrasza from her imprisonment by Nekros Skullcrusher, a former orc warlock of the Dragonmaw Clan who used the Demon Soul to keep her prisoner. He was also known to be skilled with the sword.
As the war in Northrend intensified, Rhonin came to the forefront, leading the Kirin Tor from the Violet Citadel in the rebuilt city of Dalaran. He announced the defeat of Algalon the Observer and was involved in the final quests after defeating him.
During the attack on Theramore Isle, Rhonin sacrificed himself when a mana bomb created by the Horde destroyed Theramore Isle, after teleporting Jaina out.



Rhonin full

Rhonin, full art
