Resurrect Priest (Also known as "Big Priest") is a Priest deck type. It utilizes a spell-heavy deck with a small number of powerful minions with ongoing effects, with the intent of "cheating" out these minions earlier with cards like Shadow Essence, and resurrecting them with cards like Eternal Servitude and Diamond Spellstone after being removed. The deck's goal is to outvalue the opponent with huge minions late game or dominate and end the game early with Palm Reading and Shadow Essence on turn 5. In Wild, this deck gains access to Archmage Vargoth, giving them access to resurrectable minions much earlier, as well as access to larger threats like Blood of G'huun and Scrapyard Colossus.
Common cards[]
The following cards are usually in the deck.
Core cards[]
The following Wild cards are played in most or all versions of the deck:
Optional Wild cards[]
The following Wild cards are played more than occasionally, but not always:
Spell Damage variant[]
This variant of Resurrect Priest attempts to resurrect minions with high Spell Damage, particularly Prophet Velen and Malygos, and use damage dealing spells to finish the opponent off:
Divine Spirit variant[]
This variant of Resurrect Priest attempts to resurrect minions with high health, and the use Divine Spirit and Inner Fire on it: