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Fire Plume's Heart full

Quest Warrior (also known as Taunt Warrior) is a Warrior deck type that is a variant of Control Warrior. Quest Warrior is a curve-oriented deck that utilizes the Journey to Un'Goro Warrior Quest, Fire Plume's Heart, as its finisher.

The deck aims to play as many Taunt minions on-curve as possible while using many AoE removal cards to maintain board control and build armor to survive, then use their new Hero Power to remove big minions or deal heavy face damage while their board clears clear away any smaller minions that might get in the way.

Common cards[]

Wild iconThis section concerns content exclusive to Wild format.

The following cards are usually in the deck.

Core cards[]

The following cards are played in most or all versions of the deck:

Into the Fray
Fire Plume's Heart
Questing Explorer
Frightened Flunky
Acolyte of Pain
Tar Creeper
Stonehill Defender
Phantom Militia
Shield Block
Restless Mummy
Death's Bite

Odd Variant[]

Odd Quest Warrior is a variation of the Quest Warrior deck that utilizes Baku the Mooneater's upgraded Warrior Hero Power "Tank Up!" in an attempt to push further into the late game and utilize common cards from the Control Warrior variant Odd Warrior. The deck loses important cards in an aggressive matchup like Blood Razor and Warpath, and have to try to make up for it with Odd-Substitutions like Reckless Flurry and Dyn-o-matic. The following cards are played in most or all versions of the Odd Quest Warrior deck:

Mind Control Tech
Reckless Flurry
Direhorn Hatchling
Baku the Mooneater

Odd Tempo Variant[]

Odd Quest Warrior also has a more board-oriented variation that utilizes minion with Rush and more general Taunt minions.

Fiery War Axe
Rabid Worgen
Darius Crowley
Witchwood Grizzly
Tar Lord
Countess Ashmore

Optional cards[]

The following cards are played more than occasionally, but not always:

Target Dummy
Unstable Ghoul
Public Defender
Dirty Rat
Drywhisker Armorer
Sleep with the Fishes
Fierce Monkey
Infested Goblin
Ravaging Ghoul
Bloodhoof Brave
Blood Razor
Sludge Belcher
Alley Armorsmith
Plague of Wrath
The Curator
Tomb Warden