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Plague of Death is an epic priest spell card, from the Saviors of Uldum set.


The stakes for our heroes have never been higher. Rafaam is bringing about the end of days, unleashing a series of devastating plagues, like a Plague of Death. Most plagues just wimp out and settle for disease or pestilence or whatever, but this one is just straight-up death. Silenced death. The deathiest death.[1]


  • Plague of Death's visual effect was created by VFX artist Hadidjah Chamberlin in order to establish a unifying visual style for the rest of the set's "plague" spells.[2]


Plague of Death full

Plague of Death, full art


  1. Hearthstone (2019-07-01). Saviors of Uldum Announcement Trailer | Hearthstone. YouTube. Retrieved on 2019-07-01.
  2. Ozzie Mejia (2019-07-15). Hearthstone: Saviors of Uldum - Plague of Murlocs interview. Shacknews. Retrieved on 2019-07-16.