Hearthstone Wiki

Patch, also released as Patch, is a Hearthstone patch released June 1, 2016. It is a small patch, making various bugfixes.

Patch notes[]

In this Hearthstone update we fixed several bugs, so now Scaled Nightmare will be more nightmarish, Shifter Zerus will be shiftier, and Evolution will be more . . . evolutionary?

Read on for the details!

  • Addressed an issue that could cause the game to freeze if you back out of deck creation after playing a Tavern Brawl.
  • Addressed an issue with Shifter Zerus transforming into a card that has a “Choose One” option.
  • Addressed a graphical issue with playing Evolve on a minion with Taunt or Divine Shield.
  • Chat bubbles have returned when typing to others on your friends list.
  • Redemption will no longer bring C'Thun back at its full, buffed health value.
  • Scaled Nightmare’s attack now properly doubles at the start of your turn after it gets reduced.
  • (itIT) Adjusted the volume for Anomalus.

Note: These updates are for the Windows/Mac PC version of the game only. Updates for mobile devices will be released in the near future.

Undocumented changes[]

  • My Collection
    • "WOG" and "TOG" have been added as search terms for the Whispers of the Old Gods set