Hearthstone Wiki

Patch is a Hearthstone patch released on November 30, 2022. This patch is a hotfix to address the disconnect issues seen by Android devices.

A server-side patch, Patch 25.0.1, was released on December 2.

Another server-side patch, Patch 25.0.2, was released on December 8.

25.0.2 Patch Notes[]

We are in the process of deploying Patch 25.0.2, a server-side hotfix patch, with the following game updates and bug fixes.

Battlegrounds Updates

Duels Updates

Prince Renathal has been banned from all card pool buckets. The following cards have been un-banned from card pool buckets:

Bug Fixes and Other Game Improvements

25.0.1 Patch Notes[]

We are in the process of deploying Patch 25.0.1, a server-side hotfix patch, with the following game updates and bug fixes:

Pre-Release Weekend Fireside Gatherings are Back On!

We've corrected an issue that prevented pre-release weekend Fireside Gatherings from functioning earlier today. Once this patch is deployed to your server, you will be able to create a private Fireside Gathering where you can open your Pre-Purchase March of the Lich King packs and participate in a pre-release Tavern Brawl.

If you have an active Fireside Gathering still live when the update hits your server, it should pick you up from there. If your Fireside Gathering period has already ended, create a new Fireside Gathering event to re-access the interface and start your Pre-Release festivities!

Due to the nature of today's fix, the Tavern Brawl is expected to have descriptions from last expansion, but the gameplay will be updated for March of the Lich King. Note that Death Knight class packs won't be able to be opened (only March of the Lich King packs) and that the Death Knight deck recipes will not be available in the Tavern Brawl because Death Knight won't be unlocked as a class until December 6. After unlocking the class on expansion launch day, you can try out all the Death Knight deck recipes in the A Lich King Recipe Tavern Brawl on December 7!

Battlegrounds Updates

  • The Enhance-o-matic Hero now gets more Armor (Armor Tier 3).
  • The Enhance-a-matic Quest has been made harder to complete.

Mercenaries Updates

In Patch 24.6, the Rattlegore event ended a week earlier than initially published, resulting in some players missing their chance to complete all the event Tasks. We're bringing the event back with plenty of time for everyone to finish. From now until January 3, you can complete 10 special Rattlegore event Tasks to earn Rattlegore, two random Rattlegore Portraits, and 700 Mercenaries Coins!

The Rattlegore event will pick up right where you left it last time the event was live. That means nobody will need to redo any Tasks they already finished and players who already finished the entire event will not be impacted by this update at all. Players who received Rattlegore outside of the event period and have not yet completed the event Task rewarding the base Rattlegore will receive a random Rattlegore Portrait instead when they complete that Task. Players who already have all Rattlegore Portraits and then complete an event Task awarding a Rattlegore Portrait will instead receive 75 Rattlegore Coins.

Bug Fixes and Other Game Improvements

  • [Hearthstone] Vision of Darkness will now Discover Priest Shadow spells if your class does not have any Shadow spells.
  • [Duels] Fixed a bug where non-Demon Hunter classes could sometimes be offered buckets with Demon Hunter cards.
  • [Duels] Fixed a bug where the old “Why? Why Not?” bucket with Snowflipper Penguins was being offered to players.

Dev Comment: We recently introduced a new automated system to create buckets, making it significantly easier to update content. While the system is generally working as intended, we'll continue to monitor the new system and address system-breaking bugs, like this one.
