Hearthstone Wiki

Patch is a Hearthstone patch released on March 21, 2022. It is a bug-fixing patch. A server-side patch, Patch 22.6.1, was released on March 23, 2022. This patch includes bug fixes and changes to Battlegrounds.

Patch notes[][]

  • Resolved the issue where the shop was closed for certain non-English locales.
  • Resolved issues with the Achievement tracking, causing phantom Achievement notifications and an incorrect Achievement completion percentage.
  • Resolved an issue that blocked Hero skins and Card backs from being craftable with Gold (reminder: by design, not all Hero Skins and Card Backs are craftable with Gold).
  • Fixed a visual bug that made it appear as though players could craft cards when they didn't have enough dust to do so.


Battlegrounds Changes:

Several heroes are moving up Armor Tiers (more Armor):

Several heroes are moving down Armor Tiers (less Armor):

Bug Fixes and Game Improvements

  • Fixed a bug that caused players to be locked if they filled up their Mercenaries Party before completing tutorial Tasks that included adding Mercenaries to your Party
  • Fixed a product shop image that did not match the description or actual product content
  • Disabled the blank “completed all Book of Mercenaries” pop-up; rewards will be added (and awarded retroactively for those who already earned them) in a later patch