Hearthstone Wiki

Patch is a Hearthstone patch presumably released around September 16, 2021.[1] It contains early Mercenaries content and is only given to Alliestrasza[2], Kripparian[3], SylsssaHS[4], OutOf.Cards[5], Tars Hearthstone[6], Tiago Taparelli[7], Trump[8], and possibly more.


  1. Mercenaries 1st Public. (2021-09-16). OutOf.Cards. 
  2. Alliestrasza (2021-09-20). MERCENARIES FIRST LOOK! Progression & PVP [Hearthstone Mercenaries]. YouTube. 
  3. Kripparrian. KRIPP'S FIRST MERCENARIES PLAYTHROUGH - Hearthstone Mercenaries. YouTube. 
  4. Slysssa Gaming (2021-09-20). EARLY ACCESS Gameplay of Mercenaries! - Hearthstone Mercenaries. YouTube. Retrieved on 2022-01-20.
  5. Fluxflashor (2021-09-16). Ranked Rewards for Hearthstone Mercenaries Season 1. PlayHearthstone. 
  6. Tars Hearthstone. MERCENAIRES (avant-première). YouTube. Retrieved on 2022-01-20.
  7. 2021-09-20 on Twitter. (Tiago Taparelli). 
  8. TrumpSC (2021-09-20). Hearthstone Mercenaries F2P: The First Steps (Gameplay). YouTube. 