Hearthstone Wiki

Patch is a Hearthstone patch, released on March 30, 2020. It is a small patch, fixing a few bugs introduced in Patch

Patch Notes[]

  • We’ve identified and fixed an issue that could cause the game to fail to offer some eligible players the Returning Player Experience. Affected players should now receive the appropriate quest line when logging into Hearthstone.
  • Whizbang the Wonderful will no longer offer decks with cards that have moved to the Hall of Fame.
  • Kingsbane will now correctly be destroyed and shuffled into your deck when it reaches 0 durability.
  • Invoke cards will now no longer appear from cards that generate other cards.
  • Clever Disguise will now correctly function as intended when played.
  • Darkness Awaits will no longer be incorrectly marked as collectible in the Collection.
  • Basic cards will no longer be incorrectly earned from Arena rewards.
  • Living Roots’s gem rarity is corrected from Epic to Common.