Hearthstone Wiki

Patch is a Hearthstone patch released on February 6, 2020. It is a minor patch, fixing several bugs.

On February 13, a server-side patch called Patch 16.2.4 is released, consisting of very minor changes.

Patch notes[]

Patch 16.2.3[]

Hey Friends,

Just a short time ago, we started rolling out a small client update that addresses the following issues:

  • Fixed an issue where de-syncing (a discrepancy between what the client shows vs. what is actually occurring on the server) would sometimes occur when Soul Juggler was dealing damage or when Deathrattles spawned minions in Battlegrounds.
  • Art for Heroes + Hero Powers will now properly populate on mobile devices when the optional data download is paused.
  • When the Air Raid Twinspell is played, the copy generated will now be the correct rarity.
  • Risky Skipper is now a Pirate minion type, as originally intended.
  • Spin 'em Up and Small Repairs will no longer have their mana cost displayed in red when generated from Keeper Stalladris.

Please keep us updated if you encounter any new issues! Much love friendos <3

Cheers, Chris_Attalus

UPDATE: For those wondering, here are some things shipping in the upcoming 16.4 patch:

  • Arena Rotation
  • Fix for the combat / recruit bug in Battlegrounds[1]
  • Animation speed-ups for minion triggers, as mentioned here

Patch 16.2.4[]

Greetings Friends!

We have a small 16.2.4 server-side patch going live tomorrow with the following changes:

Once these changes have gone live, I’ll be sure to update this thread!


2/13 UPDATE: We are starting to roll this out now! Please note that this may take some time for you to pick-up these changes.

