Hearthstone Wiki

Patch is a Hearthstone patch released February 5, 2019. It is a medium patch, containing various balance changes and the start of the Lunar New Year event.

Patch notes[]

This Hearthstone update kicks off Lunar New Year with a bang and sets the stage for the upcoming Season of Rastakhan Tavern Brawl event. We also made some mobile optimizations and fixed some bugs.

Read on for details!


Lunar New Year[]

Celebrate Lunar New Year 2019 from February 5 through February 12!

Season of Rastakhan[]

February 13 through March 3 earn glory for the Loa—and card packs!—over three weeks of Tavern Brawls during the Brawl of Champions.

  • The Brawl of Champions – A series of three special Tavern Brawls. Choose a rumble Champion and harness the power of each Loa's Shrine to prove which Loa is the mightiest!
    • Each Champion will have a new deck and Shrine each week!
  • New repeatable Quest: For the Glory of Rastakhan – Play a Tavern Brawl 3 times to earn a Rastakhan’s Rumble card pack. Available each Wednesday when the Tavern Brawl starts.
    • Earn up to three Rastakhan's Rumble card packs over the course of the Season of Rastakhan!

Card Changes[]

Be sure to read the Upcoming Balance Update – February 2019 blog for details:

Non-Basic cards can be disenchanted for their full Arcane Dust value for two weeks.

Card backs[]

Added the following card backs:

  • Mark of Hakkar Reward from a match with another player using card back "Mark of Hakkar " in any mode.
  • Kul Tiras

Game Improvements[]

  • Fixed an issue that could cause cards that copy and set minion Health to a specific value to incorrectly activate "while damaged" effects.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause Augmented Elekk to shuffle a copy of a card drawn by Tracking into the deck.
  • Corrupted Blood no longer benefits from Spell Damage.
  • Spellbender can no longer attack itself when activated by The Beast Within.
  • Corrupting Mist and Reckless Experimenter can no longer incorrectly cause Immortal Prelate to be removed from the hand or deck.
  • Fixed an instability issue that could occur when Book of Specters drew multiple copies of Corrupted Blood.
  • Fixed an instability issue that could occur when attempting to view an enemy minion as it's being returned to an opponent's hand.
  • Gral, the Shark now works properly when executing its battlecry more times than there are minions left in your deck.
  • Mecha'thun that has been transformed will no longer incorrectly play its original effects when destroyed.
  • Astral Raptor Overkill animations will no longer play multiple times.
  • Copied Zombeasts now correctly keep their Zombeast visual aura.
  • The enchantments from Clutchmother Zavas now collapse into a single enchantment banner.
  • [Rumble Run] Fixed a bug where damage from healing due to Bwonsamdi's Covenant was not properly being credited to the source of the damage.
  • [Rumble Run] Fireslinger now stops casting Fireballs if there are no valid targets.
  • [Rumble Run] Fixed an issue with Tribute from the Tides not granting extra battlecries if it was damaged while buffed.
  • [Rumble Run] Casting an Overload spell while affected by Electra Stormsurge now triggers Overcharged Totem once for each cast.
  • [Rumble Run] Fixed an instability issue that could occur when playing Bouncing Blade while the Pirate's Mark Shrine is in play.
  • [Mobile] To reduce the initial size of the Hearthstone mobile app, some sound files are now an optional download.
  • [Mobile] Hand and mana are now moved aside when Choose One cards are displayed.
  • [Android] Background downloads are now displayed as a notification.

Undocumented changes[]
