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Ogre Ninja is a rare rogue minion card, from the Goblins vs Gnomes set.



Ninja is an unusual class for an ogre, but a few notable ninja ogres have been known to exist. This card's art depicts Dagg'um Ty'gor, an ogre ninja originating in the Trading Card Game and Miniatures Game. As with the Ogre Ninja in Hearthstone, Dagg'um is known for combining surprising stealth with a not so surprising lack of intelligence.


"From day one, when we were making this game, Eric Dodds, the game director, proposed again and again and again, 'Ogre Ninja has to be in this game. At some point, in some way, shape or form, Ogre Ninja will show up, I don't care how.' Brode would try to remove it and put it over to this side and [Dodds] would be like, 'What are you doing? Put it back, let's try and figure this out... We can't just put it under the carpet, that piece of art is going in.'" - Ben Thompson[1]
  • Ogre Ninja's art depicts Dagg'um Ty'gor "very skilfully and very intelligently" attempting to conceal himself by standing near a tree while holding a small, mostly bare branch in each hand.[1] This appears to represent the pinnacle of ogre stealth.
  • The artwork for this card comes from the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game "Drums of War" series, for the card Daggum Tygor.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Ben Thompson on The Angry Chicken, 2015-03-23