Hearthstone Wiki
Wild format
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With the start of the Year of the Dragon, Baku the Mooneater and odd-cost related cards rotated to wild, making Odd Paladin a wild-exclusive archetype. For more information, see Game format.

Baku the Mooneater full

Baku the Mooneater, the archetype-enabling card.

Odd Paladin is a variant of Aggro Paladin. It's an archetype enabled by the Witchwood card Baku the Mooneater and is built entirely from odd-costed cards to enable her. It's able to use it's upgraded hero power, The Silver Hand, to continuously create boards consistently even through multiple board-clears, allowing it to reliably activate multi-minion buff effects like Unidentified Maul, Fungalmancer, and Stormwind Champion to push through the opponent's Health aggressively. Due to the rotation of Baku the Mooneater from the standard format at the start of the Year of the Dragon, Odd Paladin is now exclusive to play in Wild.

Common cards[]

Wild iconThis section concerns content exclusive to Wild format.

The following cards are usually in the deck.

Core cards[]

The following cards are played in most or all versions of the deck:

Animated Broomstick
Blessing of Might
Lost in the Jungle
Never Surrender!
Oh My Yogg!
Righteous Cause
Righteous Protector
Tour Guide
Carnival Barker
Divine Favor
Muster for Battle
Steward of Darkshire
Warhorse Trainer
Blessing of Authority
Faceless Corruptor
Leeroy Jenkins
Lothraxion the Redeemed
Baku the Mooneater

Optional cards[]

The following cards are played more than occasionally, but not always:

Acherus Veteran
Argent Squire
Competitive Spirit
Dire Mole
Fire Fly
Glacial Shard
Patches the Pirate
Southsea Deckhand
Day at the Faire
Goody Two-Shields
Ironbeak Owl
Lord Barov
Raid Leader
Rallying Blade
Prince Renathal
Sky Claw
Stonehill Defender
Sword of Justice
Tar Creeper
Unidentified Maul
Bolvar Fordragon
Frostwolf Warlord
Libram of Justice
Mukla's Champion
Prince Liam
Stand Against Darkness
Corridor Creeper
Stormwind Champion