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Nerubian Unraveler is an epic neutral minion card, from the Knights of the Frozen Throne set.



The Nerubian Unraveler is, unsurprisingly, a nerubian. It specifically shares the title and artwork of Kilix the Unraveler, a quest giver in the Pit of Narjun in Dragonblight, and appears to be meant to represent him.

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Kilix the Unraveler is one of the few remaining nerubians that are still living. He, as well as a few others of his kind, reside within the Pit of Narjun and are strongly opposed to Anub'arak's undead Anub'ar.


Nerubian Unraveler full

Nerubian Unraveler, full art

Nerubian Unraveler WoW

Kilix the Unraveler in World of Warcraft.
