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Moon Priestess Nici is a boss that can be encountered in The Dalaran Heist adventure.

Hero Power[]

Normal Heroic


The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Total cards Normal Heroic
Class Possible cards Class Possible cards
15; 20 Priest Flash Heal Priest Circle of Healing
Northshire Cleric Binding Heal
Auchenai Phantasm Flash Heal
Holy Champion Light of the Naaru
Quartz Elemental Auchenai Phantasm
Neutral Lightwarden Divine Spirit
Zombie Chow Embrace the Shadow
Soup Vendor Spirit Lash
Hozen Healer Squashling
Priestess of Elune Auchenai Soulpriest
Convincing Infiltrator
Temple Enforcer
Nightscale Matriarch
Prophet Velen
Obsidian Statue
Neutral Injured Kvaldir
Injured Blademaster


Before match

Swampqueen Hagatha
Auugh, shining moon priestess... We should introduce her to Baku.


Moon Priestess Nici
Moon priestess power!
George the Fallen
The moonlight isn't the REAL Light!
vs. Kriziki
Moon Priestess Nici
You would twist healing magic in your favor? Pah.
A false priest! No darkness twists within you.

Emote Response

Moon Priestess Nici
I've heard that before. Somewhere... I think?


Moon Priestess Nici
Bask in the glow of Elune!
Believe and thrive!
Elune healing escalation!
Feel the moon!
Listen up you bad guy, you're a bad guy!
The light of the moon shines on you! And me!


Moon Priestess Nici
Dalaran seems lacking in competent guardians if I'm out here.
I miss my frostsaber.
The moon shines brightly...

Player's cards

Moon Priestess Nici
Healing effect
Even villains heal their wounded, then. Hmm.
Any demon
Demons are invading! It's worse than I thought.
Illidan Stormrage
The Betrayer walks Dalaran? I AM prepared!


Moon Priestess Nici


Moon Priestess Nici
In the name of Elune, I have punished you!


Moon Priestess Nici is an adventurer wondering around Dalaran.


  • Moon Priestess Nici references the popular Japanese comic and animated series Sailor Moon in both her introduction ("Moon priestess power!"), one of the incantations ("Elune healing escalation!") and victory lines ("In the name of Elune, I have punished you!").
  • Due to her massive burst damage potential, she is programmed to avoid targetting the enemy player after using an effect that converts her healing into damage.


Moon Priestess Nici full

Moon Priestess Nici, full art
