Hearthstone Wiki
This content is only for Mercenaries.
Rooted characters can't Attack.

Root is a keyword used in Mercenaries. Its internal name is ROOT.

Mercenaries/Characters who get Rooted can still resolve their ability. However, if their ability affects them to Attack, its effect and all effects following after it are negated.


  • Rooted characters who used their Attack ability are not considered as having Attacked, for the purpose of abilities like Jade Gust.

Referenced cards[]


Card not found.


NameSpeedCooldownAttackHealthSubtype[?]TextUsed by
Arcane Surge {0} 2 {{{cooldown}}} {{{attack}}} {{{health}}} Arcane Deal 16 damage. Upgrade Blizzard to Root all enemies.
Arcane Surge {0} 2 {{{cooldown}}} {{{attack}}} {{{health}}} Arcane Deal 16 damage. Upgrade Blizzard to Root all enemies.
Arcane Surge 1 2 {{{cooldown}}} {{{attack}}} {{{health}}} Arcane Deal 6 damage. Upgrade Blizzard to Root all enemies.
Arcane Surge 1 6 {{{cooldown}}} {{{attack}}} {{{health}}} Arcane Deal 6 damage. Upgrade Blizzard to Root all enemies.
Arcane Surge 2 2 {{{cooldown}}} {{{attack}}} {{{health}}} Arcane Deal 10 damage. Upgrade Blizzard to Root all enemies.
Arcane Surge 3 2 {{{cooldown}}} {{{attack}}} {{{health}}} Arcane Deal 14 damage. Upgrade Blizzard to Root all enemies.
Arcane Surge 4 2 {{{cooldown}}} {{{attack}}} {{{health}}} Arcane Deal 15 damage. Upgrade Blizzard to Root all enemies.
Blizzard {0} 5 1 {{{attack}}} {{{health}}} Frost Deal 14 damage to all enemies and Root them. Upgrade Hearthfire to grant +5 Attack.
Blizzard 1 5 1 {{{attack}}} {{{health}}} Frost Deal 6 damage to all enemies and Root them. Upgrade Hearthfire to grant +1 Attack.
Blizzard 2 5 1 {{{attack}}} {{{health}}} Frost Deal 10 damage to all enemies and Root them. Upgrade Hearthfire to grant +2 Attack.
Blizzard 3 5 1 {{{attack}}} {{{health}}} Frost Deal 12 damage to all enemies and Root them. Upgrade Hearthfire to grant +3 Attack.
Blizzard 4 5 1 {{{attack}}} {{{health}}} Frost Deal 13 damage to all enemies and Root them. Upgrade Hearthfire to grant +4 Attack.
Entangling Roots 1 5 1 {{{attack}}} {{{health}}} Nature Deal 4 damage to an enemy and Root it.
Navigate the Jungle 1 4 {{{cooldown}}} {{{attack}}} {{{health}}} Nature Root all enemy characters.
Navigate the Jungle 2 4 {{{cooldown}}} {{{attack}}} {{{health}}} Nature Root all enemy characters.
Navigate the Jungle 3 4 {{{cooldown}}} {{{attack}}} {{{health}}} Nature Root all enemy characters.
Navigate the Jungle 4 4 {{{cooldown}}} {{{attack}}} {{{health}}} Nature Root all enemy characters.
Navigate the Jungle 5 4 {{{cooldown}}} {{{attack}}} {{{health}}} Nature Root all enemy characters.
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
Arcane Surge {0}
Arcane Surge {0}
Arcane Surge 1
Arcane Surge 1
Arcane Surge 2
Arcane Surge 3
Arcane Surge 4
Blizzard {0}
Blizzard 1
Blizzard 2
Blizzard 3
Blizzard 4
Entangling Roots 1
Navigate the Jungle 1
Navigate the Jungle 2
Navigate the Jungle 3
Navigate the Jungle 4
Navigate the Jungle 5


Card not found. Card not found.
