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Mercenary coin

Generic icon

Mercenaries - Coins

Mercenaries/Tirion Fordring Coin

For the card in Constructed, see The Coin.

Mercenary coin (or coin) is an in-game currency exclusive to Mercenaries. Each Mercenary has their own unique type of coin that can be used to upgrade only their abilities and Mercenaries/Equipments, or craft and own it. For example, Tirion Fordring Coin can only be used to upgrade Mercenaries/Tirion Fordring's abilities, equipments, or craft Tirion Fordring.

How to get[]

  • Completing bounties in Travel Point - Each bounty can give the player coins of mercenaries in their Mercenaries/Party or coin loots, which can contain coins of three mercenaries depending on the bounty they played.
  • Opening Mercenaries/Mercenaries Packs - Each Mercenaries Pack contains coin drops, and each coin drop gives the player 35-45 coins of a mercenary.
  • Completing tasks in Campfire
  • Winning or claiming end-of-season rewards in Fighting Pit

How to spend[]

Crafting a mercenary[]

The amount of coins needed to craft a Mercenary is dependent on their Rarity.[1] Once the player crafts a mercenary, the player keeps it forever and cannot be disenchanted.

ImageNameCoins to craft
Mercenaries - Rare
Mercenaries - Epic
Mercenaries - Legendary

Upgrading an ability[]

The amount of coins needed to upgrade tier of an Ability is dependent on their current tier.

Ability tierCoins to upgrade

Upgrading an equipment[]

The amount of coins needed to upgrade tier of an Equipment is dependent on their current tier.

Equipment tierCoins to upgrade


  1. Blizzard Entertainment (2021-08-31). Tour the Mercenaries Village and Collection - FAQ sectiom. PlayHearthstone. Retrieved on 2021-10-02.