Hearthstone Wiki
This content is only for Mercenaries.

Equipment frame

Equipment is a card type in Mercenaries. Equipments are additions to boost their mercenaries' abilities, stats, or give them additional effects, preferably Mercenaries/Passive.

Each collectible mercenary has 3 equipments. However, each mercenary can only equip one equipment at a time, which takes effect in gameplay. As soon as the player equips another equipment, the previous one will be taken out and no longer affect the mercenary until equipped again.

How to get[]

Each mercenary has 3 equipments, each can be unlocked by one of the following ways:

  • Mercenary reaching level 30
  • Completing the mercenary's 2nd task
  • Completing the mercenary's 7th task
  • Defeating Heroic bosses with Mercenaries/Party that has the mercenary with equipment to unlock.


In addition, the player can upgrade equipment to increase the efficiency of its effect. Most equipment starts at tier 1 and can be upgraded up to tier 4 by spending their Mercenaries/Mercenary coins. Some equipment can start at tier 2, 3 or even 4.

Equipment tierCoins to upgrade

List of equipments[]

Disclaimer: This section only lists 50 equipments as examples. For more equipments, go to query.
Go to query
Swipe left or right to see the cards.
"Fresh" Peaches {0}
A Solid Education {0}
Aerodynamic Blade
Alexstrasza's Brooch {0}
Amulet of Outrage {0}
Amulet of Souls {0}
Amulet of Swiftness {0}
Ancestral Armor {0}
Appetizers {0}
Arcane Fang {0}
Arcane Powder {0}
Archimonde's Gold Coin {0}
Arena Contender {0}
Arms Locker {0}
Ashbringer {0}
Avatar of Stormpike {0}
Awakening Roar {0}
Bakin' Bacon {0}
Band of Bursting Novas {0}
Band of Enlightenment {0}
Band of Frost {0}
Beaming Blade {0}
Beastmaster's Horn 4
Berserker's Blade {0}
Bitter Chill {0}
Black Dragon Scales {0}
Black Flag {0}
Black Soulstone {0}
Blade Catcher {0}
Blades Of The Annointed {0}
Blazing Band {0}
Blazing Rune {0}
Blessed Shard {0}
Blinding Gauntlets {0}
Blood Moon {0}
Blood of Mannoroth {0}
Bloodsurge {0}
Bloodthirst Amulet {0}
Bloomin' Shroom {0}
Body Euphoria {0}
Body of C'Thun {0}
Bog Moss
Bog Moss {0}
Boon of Atiesh {0}
Bottle of Infinite Stars {0}
Bounding Boots {0}
Bramblethorn Totem {0}
Briarthorn {0}
Brightwing's Necklace {0}
Brightwing's Ring {0}


Equiping an equipment (1)
Equiping an equipment (2)
Upgrading an equipment

