Hearthstone Wiki

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/* Hearthstone Wiki Card Table Collapse Script *
// Author:  Shawn Bruckner
// Date:    2014-Feb-04
// License: CC-BY 3.0
// Version: beta

var cardtable = cardtable || {
    oldWidth : 0,
    wideWidth : 1052,
    initialize : function() {
        var index = 0;
        var tables = $( "table.cardtable-collapsible" );
        if ( tables.length > 0 ) {
            cardtable.oldWidth = $( window ).width();
            $( window ).resize( cardtable.performLayout );
        $( "table.cardtable-collapsible" ).each( function() {
            var firstRow = $( this ).find( "tr" ).first();
            if ( firstRow.length > 0 ) {
                $( this ).attr( "id", ( $( this ).attr( "id" ) ? $( this ).attr( "id" ) + " " : "" ) + "cardtable-collapsible-" + index );
                var linkHtml = "<div style=\"float: left; font-weight: normal; font-size: 95%;\">" +
                               "[<a href=\"javascript:cardtable.toggleTable( " +
                               index + " );\" class=\"cardtable-collapse-link-" + index + "\">hide</a>]</div>";
                var firstNarrowCell = firstRow.find( "th.narrowonly" ).first();
                var firstWideCell = firstRow.find( "th.wideonly" ).first();
                if ( firstNarrowCell.length > 0 && firstWideCell.length > 0 ) {
                    firstNarrowCell.html( firstNarrowCell.html() + linkHtml );
                    firstWideCell.html( firstWideCell.html() + linkHtml );
                } else {
                    var firstCell = firstRow.find( "th" ).first();
                    if ( firstCell.length > 0 ) {
                        firstCell.html( firstCell.html() + linkHtml );
                if ( $( this ).hasClass( "cardtable-collapsed" ) ) {
                    $( this ).removeClass( "cardtable-collapsed" );
                    cardtable.toggleTable( index );
        } );
    toggleTable : function( index ) {
        var links = $( "a.cardtable-collapse-link-" + index );
        if ( links.length > 0 ) {
            var table = $( "table#cardtable-collapsible-" + index );
            if ( table.hasClass( "cardtable-collapsed" ) ) {
                if ( $( window ).width() >= cardtable.wideWidth ) {
                    table.find( "tr" ).each( function() {
                        if ( !$( this ).hasClass( "narrowonly" ) ) {
                            $( this ).show();
                    } );
                } else {
                    table.find( "tr" ).show();
                links.html( "hide" );
                table.removeClass( "cardtable-collapsed" );
            } else {
                table.find( "tr" ).hide();
                table.find( "tr" ).first().show();
                links.html( "show" );
                table.addClass( "cardtable-collapsed" );
    performLayout : function() {
        var newWidth = $( window ).width();
        if ( cardtable.oldWidth < cardtable.wideWidth && newWidth >= cardtable.wideWidth ) {
             $( "table.cardtable-collapsible" ).each( function() {
                 cardtable.performLayoutOnTable( $( this ), "wideonly", "narrowonly" );
             } );
        } else if ( cardtable.oldWidth >= cardtable.wideWidth && newWidth < cardtable.wideWidth ) {
             $( "table.cardtable-collapsible" ).each( function() {
                 cardtable.performLayoutOnTable( $( this ), "narrowonly", "wideonly" );
             } );
        cardtable.oldWidth = newWidth;
    performLayoutOnTable : function( table, showClass, hideClass ) {
        var elements;
        if ( table.hasClass( "cardtable-collapsed" ) ) {
            elements = table.find( "tr" ).first();
        } else {
            elements = table;
        elements.find( "." + hideClass ).hide();
        elements.find( "." + showClass ).show();

$( document ).ready( cardtable.initialize );

/* End Hearthstone Wiki Card Table Collapse Script *

/* Countdown Timer *

 * To create a timer add the class countdown-timer to the element that will container the countdown as well
 * as the attribute countdown-timer, which should container the target date-time for the countdown.
 * The target element can contain default output for if javascript is disabled by the user, such as the target date-time.
 * Relies on [[MediaWiki:Gadget-Countdown]].

if (typeof countdown !== 'undefined') { // Check that the countdown library is present
$('.countdown-timer[data-countdown-timer]').each(function () {
    var el = this;
    var targetDate = new Date($(el).attr('data-countdown-timer'));
    countdown.setLabels('||m|h|d|','||m|h|d|',' ',' ');
    $(el).html(countdown(null, targetDate, countdown.DAYS | countdown.HOURS | countdown.MINUTES).toString());
    setInterval(function() {
        countdown.setLabels('||m|h|d|','||m|h|d|',' ',' ');
        $(el).html(countdown(null, targetDate, countdown.DAYS | countdown.HOURS | countdown.MINUTES).toString());
    }, 1000);
} else {
    console.error('Warning: The Countdown javascript library is not present on the wiki or its gadget is disable in your user preferences. Countdowns will not function.');

/* End Countdown Timer *

setTimeout(function(){var a=document.createElement("script");
var b=document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];
a.src=document.location.protocol+"//script.crazyegg.com/pages/scripts/0011/8371.js?"+Math.floor(new Date().getTime()/3600000);
a.async=true;a.type="text/javascript";b.parentNode.insertBefore(a,b)}, 1);