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This content is only for Tavern Brawl.
Tavern Brawl
The subject of this article is only available in Tavern Brawls.
It is a part of limited content and does not appear in any other game modes.
The subject of this article is only available in Tavern Brawls.
Lunar Blessings!

"Celebrate the Lunar New Year! Choose a class and get a random deck, choose an animal to receive its blessing and power!"

Lunar Blessings! is a Tavern Brawl. It made its debut on January 29th, 2020.

All games are played on the Pandaria battlefield.


Tavern Brawl Start End
242 January 29, 2020 February 5, 2020
296 February 10, 2021 February 17, 2021
347 February 2, 2022 February 9, 2022
398 January 25, 2023 February 1, 2023


This brawl gives players randomized decks. At the start of the game, players choose between one of three Blessings which passively affect the game.

Special cards[]

Blessing of the Rat
Blessing of the Ox
Blessing of the Tiger
Blessing of the Rabbit
Blessing of the Dragon
Blessing of the Snake
Blessing of the Horse
Blessing of the Sheep
Blessing of the Monkey
Blessing of the Rooster
Blessing of the Dog
Blessing of the Pig


Each Class has three specific Blessings offered to them.

Class Blessings
Icon Death Knight 64
Blessing of the Pig
Blessing of the Rat
Blessing of the Ox
Icon Demon Hunter 64
Blessing of the Pig
Blessing of the Rat
Blessing of the Rabbit
Icon Druid 64
Blessing of the Monkey
Blessing of the Snake
Blessing of the Dog
Icon Hunter 64
Blessing of the Horse
Blessing of the Rabbit
Blessing of the Dog
Icon Mage 64
Blessing of the Horse
Blessing of the Pig
Blessing of the Dragon
Icon Paladin 64
Blessing of the Tiger
Blessing of the Dragon
Blessing of the Dog
Icon Priest 64
Blessing of the Pig
Blessing of the Sheep
Blessing of the Rooster
Icon Rogue 64
Blessing of the Tiger
Blessing of the Snake
Blessing of the Rooster
Icon Shaman 64
Blessing of the Monkey
Blessing of the Rat
Blessing of the Sheep
Icon Warlock 64
Blessing of the Rat
Blessing of the Ox
Blessing of the Rabbit
Icon Warrior 64
Blessing of the Pig
Blessing of the Ox
Blessing of the Rooster


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