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Life Tap is the warlock's basic Hero Power.


When the dark arts call for flesh, you can only trust your own.[1]

Life Tap is a signature warlock spell that allows them to trade their health for mana - the primary resource consumed to use their abilities. Hearthstone's version of Life Tap is very similar, in this case trading health in exchange for the most vital resource of all - cards.

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Life Tap is a signature warlock spell that converts health into mana. The mana restored is equal to 15% of the warlock's health.
Life Tap epitomises the character of the warlock, sacrificing a chunk of their own life in exchange for a rapid injection of power. This tradeoff can allow warlocks to produce an endless stream of damage and death - while their health holds.


  • The artwork for this card comes from the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game "Heroes of Azeroth" series, depicting the spell Life Tap.
  • The Hearthstone team seriously considered replacing Life Tap with a different hero power in the early days of the game, but were never able to come up with a good replacement.[2]


Life Tap full

Life Tap, full art

