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Lakkari Sacrifice is a legendary warlock spell card, from the Journey to Un'Goro set.

Generated cards[]

Nether Portal
Summoned minions
Nether Portal
Nether Imp

Cards with discard effects[]

A list of warlock and neutral cards with discard effects in Wild can be found here.

Cards related to discarding[]

All current discard-related effects activate only when discarding from the hand, and not removed from the deck or other zones.

A list of cards with discard-related effects in Wild can be found here.


Wowpedia iconThis section uses content from Wowpedia.
The Lakkari Tar Pits are, as the name implies, tar pits found in northern Un'Goro Crater, just below Marshal's Refuge. Flowers, Tarblossoms grow at the bottom of these pits, which have gone unnoticed for a long time. Tar beasts live in the area among several giant bones of creatures that got stuck here.



Lakkari Sacrifice full

Lakkari Sacrifice, full art

Lakkari Tar Pits WoW

The Lakkari Tar Pits in World of Warcraft

