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Khadgar's Pipe is a boss spell used by player during Rafaam Unleashed encounter in The League of Explorers.

For more information, see Rafaam Unleashed.


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Khadgar is perhaps the most accomplished of all living wizards and one of the most powerful magi in Azerothian history. He was an apprentice to the Guardian Medivh, until he helped defeat his possessed master. Though cursed with frailty and age, Khadgar nevertheless has been an exemplar for the Alliance, destroying the Dark Portal in the Second War, leading the Alliance Expedition to Draenor, and counterattacking against the Burning Legion and all who would threaten his world with annihilation.

While a hero of the Alliance, Khadgar is willing to work with the Horde for the greater good of Azeroth. As a member of the Council of Six, Khadgar hopes to drive the politics out of the Kirin Tor, and has been known to clash with the more partisan members of the council.


Khadgar's Pipe full

Khadgar's Pipe, full art
