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Kel'Thuzad is a legendary neutral minion card, from the Naxxramas set.


  • Kel'Thuzad's triggered effect activates during the end of turn phase, prior to the deaths of any minions killed during that phase (which will not occur until the end of the phase). This means that minions who die from other end of turn effects such as that of Ragnaros or Power Overwhelming will not be resurrected by Kel'Thuzad.[1][2]
  • Eligible minions will be resurrected by Kel'Thuzad in the order in which they died.[3] This is strategically significant if subsequent summons (including Deathrattles such as that of Sludge Belcher) cause the player to fill their side of the board, preventing all minions from being re-summoned.
  • When multiple copies of Kel'Thuzad are present on the board, each will trigger at the end of each turn (in the order in which they were summoned). This includes multiple Kel'Thuzads on the same side of the board; in this case, the combined effect will potentially produce more minions than died that turn - provided there is room on the board.[4]
  • If a player Resurrects a Kel'Thuzad who died that turn, at the end of the turn Kel'Thuzad will resurrect his previous copy, resulting in 2 x Kel'Thuzads for the player.[5]

Known bugs[]

Also as of August 2014, Kel'Thuzad may fail to resurrect minions which have died during the "Start of Turn" phase. This has also been acknowledged as a bug.[6]


When summoned against The Lich King


Kel'Thuzad full

Kel'Thuzad, full art

Kel'Thuzad is the final and main boss in the Naxxramas raid. As an undead lich and a powerful necromancer, Kel'thuzad has the ability to bring creatures back from the dead.

In life he was a Human Mage who once served the Kirin Tor, but was cast out for his interest in forbidden necromancy. He joined The Scourge, pledging fealty to The Lich King and starting the Cult of the Damned. He was granted the floating Nerubian citadel Naxxramas for his fealty, and also struck a corrupt deal with Lord and Lady Barov to establish the Scholomance Academy as a further cover for the activities of the cult.

He was eventually struck down by Prince Arthas. Then, after Arthas' own fall from grace and corruption into the next iteration of The Lich King, Kel'thuzad was resurrected to serve the Scourge once again, this time as a powerful archlich tasked with summoning the demon Archimonde into Azeroth.

In Curse of Naxxramas

The archlich known as Kel’Thuzad sits at the seat of power within Naxxramas, coordinating the normally mindless Scourge into a fighting force for the Lich King. In his mortal days, Kel’Thuzad was once a powerful human mage and high-ranking member of the Kirin Tor, working under the great Archmage Antonidas, leader of the Kirin Tor at the time. The Kirin Tor had a wealth of secrets and knowledge at their disposal, and Kel’Thuzad spent countless hours devouring every bit of knowledge he could get his hands on—even the darkest and most unthinkable of arcane arts, such as necromancy. He became increasingly more reclusive and shunned by his peers the further he delved into forbidden magic.
The Lich King sought out Azeroth’s most powerful and ambitious individuals to bend to his will, sending out a mental summons to those he thought could easily be swayed by the promise of power. Kel’Thuzad was the first to answer the Lich King’s call. He saw the power the Lich King held over the undead and desired such power for his own, so he offered his services as a mage to the Lich King in whatever manner he desired. After a long, tortured journey to the frozen wastes of Northrend, Kel’Thuzad knelt at the feet of the Lich King and offered him not just his loyalty, but his soul as well.
"As my lieutenant, you will gain knowledge and magic to surpass your most ambitious dreams. But in return, living or dead, you will serve me for the rest of your days. If you betray me, I shall make you into one of my mindless ones, and you will serve me still.”
The Lich King’s words were both a threat and a promise. Kel’Thuzad would become his lieutenant, carrying out the Lich King’s whims, but in return he would gain power beyond his wildest dreams. Kel’Thuzad accepted these terms… as if he had much of a choice in the matter.[7]

In World of Warcraft

Wowpedia iconThis section uses content from Wowpedia.
Kel'Thuzad was once a human mage of the Kirin Tor. He went on to become the founder of the Cult of the Damned and one of the principal agents of the Lich King responsible for the spreading of the plague of undeath across Lordaeron. After bringing the plague to Lordaeron, he was slain by the paladin Arthas. When Arthas became a death knight, he resurrected Kel'Thuzad as a lich so he could summon Archimonde the Defiler into Azeroth. Following Arthas' departure for Northrend, Kel'Thuzad was left to command the Scourge of Lordaeron from his necropolis, Naxxramas. Following his first defeat, he and his necropolis moved to Northrend.


