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Kaye Toogie is a boss that can be encountered in The Dalaran Heist adventure.

Hero Power[]

Normal Heroic


The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Total cards Normal Heroic
Class Possible Cards Class Possible Cards
25 Warlock Flame Imp Warlock Voidcaller
Spirit Bomb Possessed Lackey
Darkbomb Fel Lord Betrug
Demonic Project Mal'Ganis
Felstalker Voidlord
Void Analyst Jumbo Imp
Reckless Diretroll Neutral Stoneskin Basilisk
Felguard Felsoul Inquisitor
Dreadsteed Fel Reaver
Lakkari Felhound Feugen
Pit Lord Stalagg
Anima Golem Zilliax
Ectomancy Maexxna
Neutral Goblin Bomb Sylvanas Windrunner
Shifter Zerus Silver Vanguard
Dozing Marksman Deranged Doctor
Explosive Sheep Force Tank-MAX
Mechanical Yeti Gruul
Piloted Shredder Ragnaros the Firelord
Piloted Reaper Sneed's Old Shredder
Weaponized Piñata The Lich King
Bomb Squad Hakkar, the Soulflayer
Fel Reaver
Tunnel Blaster


Kaye Toogie is a secret vendor found under Dalaran at the bottom of a grate-covered well just outside of The Filthy Animal.


Kaye Toogie full

Kaye Toogie, full art
