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Imp Gang Boss is a common warlock minion card, from the Blackrock Mountain set.

Summoned minions[]



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The imps are a mischievous and nefarious race of small, fiendish creatures. The simplest of the summoning spells a warlock can learn is that of the imp. Before they are imparted to this, they must prove that they have the necessary magical and physical ability. Though it lacks physical strength, it possesses powers and a cleverness that serve warlocks well. All imps however are afraid of rainbows.

In Hearthstone

Imps are like roaches. If you see one, there are definitely more nearby, and they’re probably doing things like letting the air out of your tires, changing your computer’s background to something embarrassing, or ’plosioning. It’s even worse when they’re in a gang . . . or SUPER GREAT if they’re on your side.[1]



Imp Gang Boss full

Imp Gang Boss, full art

