Hearthstone Wiki
"You are out of demons! At least there are always imps..." - Worthless Imp

Imps are Demon minions, mostly belonging to the warlock class. There are several types of imp, and imps are by far the most common type of demon in Hearthstone.

Collectible imps have a variety of abilities and stats, and are each uniquely named. Most uncollectible imps are 1/1 minions with no special abilities, and most have - or include - the same name: Imp.

Whether a card is or isn't an imp is relevant to multiple warlock cards, such as Flustered Librarian, Vile Library, Impending Catastrophe, and Imp King Rafaam, which have different effects related to imps. Below is a list of cards that are considered imps.



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Boss cards[]

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Duels cards[]

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Cards that generate imps[]

Cards with imp-related effects[]


Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 63 logoGameplay - Barrens - WarlockWhat's Better than Two Imps?Summon 25 Imps.10 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 63 logoGameplay - Barrens - WarlockWhat's Better than Two Imps?Summon 100 Imps.10 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 63 logoGameplay - Barrens - WarlockWhat's Better than Two Imps?Summon 250 Imps.20 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 149 logoGameplay - Stormwind - NeutralForgot This At HomeDiscover 50 spells that didn't start in your deck with Pandaren Importer.20 Achievement Point, 2x Golden Pandaren Importer (Uncraftable Common)
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 149 logoGameplay - Stormwind - WarlockWho Ordered Imps?!Summon 5 Imps with a single Wicked Shipment.10 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 149 logoGameplay - Stormwind - WarlockWho Ordered Imps?!Summon 7 Imps with a single Wicked Shipment.20 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 157 logoGameplay - Alterac Valley - WarlockDreading This OneSummon 50 Dread Imps.10 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 157 logoGameplay - Alterac Valley - WarlockDreading This OneSummon 100 Dread Imps.10 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 157 logoGameplay - Alterac Valley - WarlockDreading This OneSummon 200 Dread Imps.20 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 167 logoGameplay - Castle Nathria - WarlockReIMPforcementsDraw 7 cards with one Impending Catastrophe.20 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 167 logoGameplay - Castle Nathria - WarlockAn Imp-ressive FeatSummon 60 Imps with Imp King Rafaam.10 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 167 logoGameplay - Castle Nathria - WarlockAn Imp-ressive FeatSummon 120 Imps with Imp King Rafaam.10 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 167 logoGameplay - Castle Nathria - WarlockAn Imp-ressive FeatSummon 200 Imps with Imp King Rafaam.20 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 169 logoGameplay - Lich King - WarlockS-imp-ly FintasticGive Nofin's Imp-ossible's Deathrattle to 2 Implocs at once.20 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 169 logoGameplay - Lich King - WarlockS-imp-ly FintasticGive Nofin's Imp-ossible's Deathrattle to 4 Implocs at once.20 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 172 logoGameplay - Festival of Legends - Warlock/MageImp-rovisationPlay 25 cards created by Fiddlefire Imp from another class.20 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 172 logoGameplay - Festival of Legends - Warlock/MageImp-rovisationPlay 50 cards created by Fiddlefire Imp from another class.20 Achievement Point


Wowpedia iconThis section uses content from Wowpedia.
The imps are a mischievous and nefarious race of small, fiendish creatures. The simplest of the summoning spells a warlock can learn is that of the imp. Before they are imparted to this, they must prove that they have the necessary magical and physical ability. Though it lacks physical strength, it possesses powers and a cleverness that serve warlocks well. All imps however are afraid of rainbows.

In Hearthstone[]

Imps are like roaches. If you see one, there are definitely more nearby, and they’re probably doing things like letting the air out of your tires, changing your computer’s background to something embarrassing, or ’plosioning. It’s even worse when they’re in a gang . . . or SUPER GREAT if they’re on your side.[1]


  • The voice lines of all Imps show great reluctance and frustration to follow the Warlock's orders. They are also almost all humorous, in contrast to many other Demons' darker quotes.
  • Tiny Knight of Evil was the first Imp added to Hearthstone without the word "Imp" in its name, in The Grand Tournament expansion.

