Wild format |
With the start of the Year of the Gryphon, Dinotamer Brann, Zephrys the Great and Dragonqueen Alexstrasza have rotated to Wild, making Highlander Hunter a Wild-exclusive archetype. For more information, see Game format. |
Highlander Hunter is a Hunter deck type introduced in Saviors of Uldum. It is a variation of Midrange Hunter that runs single copies of each card to enable Zephrys the Great, Dinotamer Brann, and Dragonqueen Alexstrasza.
Highlander Hunter has access to three very powerful cards that form the basis of the deck: Zephrys the Great, an extremely versatile card that fulfills almost every situation, whether it's finding lethal or filling the mana curve, Dinotamer Brann, an extremely high-value card that can be used for board control or burst damage, and Dragonqueen Alexstrasza, a card capable of offering insanely high mana value.
The rest of the deck is a midrange build with various themes. The Secret version combines high card quality from cards like Hyena Alpha and Phase Stalker with Subject 9 for powerful card draw. The Dragon version, introduced in Descent of Dragons, plays slower with access to powerful cards like Stormhammer and Corrosive Breath. Some variations of the deck also include Mech synergy cards.
Common cards[]
The following cards are usually in the deck.
Core Standard cards[]
The following cards are played in most or all versions of the deck:
Dragon variant[]
Optional Standard cards[]
The following cards are played more than occasionally, but not always:
Core Wild cards[]
Wild cards that fit well into this deck type: