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Herald Volazj is a legendary priest minion card, from the Whispers of the Old Gods set.


"They who dine on lost souls know only hunger." - Herald Volazj

Herald Volazj is a faceless one in service of the Old God Yogg-Saron.

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Herald Volazj, a faceless one, is the last boss of Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom. He is located within the Fallen Temple of Ahn'kahet. He is a herald of Yogg-Saron and enemy of the nerubians.
  • Shgla'yos plahf mh'naus
(They who dine on lost souls know only hunger.)
  • Gul'kafh an'shel. Yoq'al shn ky ywaq nuul.
(Gaze into the void. It is the perpetuity in which they dwell.)
Killing a player
  • Ywaq puul skshgn: on'ma yeh'glu zuq.
(They drink your fear: it is the blood of life.)
  • Ywaq ma phgwa'cul hnakf.
(They are the whisper on the shivering wind.)
  • Ywaq maq oou; ywaq maq ssaggh. Ywaq ma shg'fhn.
(They do not die; they do not live. They are outside the cycle.)
  • Iilth vwah, uhn'agth fhssh za.
(Where one falls, many shall take its place.)

From the Dungeon Journal:

Amid the Scourge's invasion of Azjol-Nerub, many of the kingdom's denizens tunneled underground to escape the Lich King's minions. Yet some of them dug too deep, exposing the tendrils of Yogg-Saron. Roused by this disturbance, the entity has sent one of its most ancient warriors - Herald Volazj - to cull the beleaguered nerubians and annihilate anyone foolish enough to threaten the Old God.


  • The original design for this card was "Become a copy of your opponent." The opponent's hero, minions and cards (including both hand and deck) were copied.[1]
  • This card's final effect may have its origins as a Hero Power for the original Y'Shaarj, which saw any hero whose deck included Y'Shaarj replaced at the very start of the match by Y'Shaarj itself, with 15 Health and a "crazy new Hero Power".[2] Several different designs were tried for the Hero Power, including "Draw a card. If it’s a minion, put it into play as a 1/1."[3]


Herald Volazj full

Herald Volazj, full art

Herald Volazj WoW

Herald Volazj in World of Warcraft

Whispers of the Old Gods murals 2

A promotional mural in Shanghai, featuring a tentacle of Herald Volazj

Whispers of the Old Gods murals 13

The finished mural

