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Grove Tender is a rare druid minion card, from the Goblins vs Gnomes set.
Choose One cards[]
Grove Tenders are dryad guards found at the Grove of Aessina in Mount Hyjal.

- The enchanted Dryads are the daughters of the Night Elf demigod, Cenarius. The playful, frolicking creatures vaguely resemble centaurs (their cursed cousins), but have bodies more akin to woodland fawns. They are swift and sure and are at peace with all of the children of the forest. Though they abhor unnecessary violence, the Dryads will defend the wildlands of Kalimdor with their lives if need be.
- The artwork for this card comes from the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game "Tomb of the Forgotton" series, for the card Jasani, Shrine Keeper.
Grove Tender was voiced by Misty Lee, who also voiced Lady Liadrin, Mistress of Pain, Grand Widow Faerlina and Darkshire Alchemist.