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Gnomeferatu is an epic warlock minion card, from the Knights of the Frozen Throne set.



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Vampires or vampyr are a type of undead who drink blood in order to sustain themselves. Up until the third invasion of the Burning Legion on Azeroth, knowledge of vampyr was mostly limited to the darkfallen. With the people of Azeroth flocking to the Broken Isles, Sir Finley Mrrgglton of the Explorers' League discovered an ancient vrykul vampyr in Stormheim who, upon being woken up from his slumber by human pirates, transformed them into vampires as well.

Notably, this is the first known example of a gnome becoming a vampire.


  • The name "Gnomeferatu" is a reference to Nosferatu, an archaic synonym for vampire, notably used in the 1922 German horror film of the same name.
  • According to Mike Donais, one of the possible names for this card that Blizzard joked about during development was "Glampire".[1] This alternate name is also referenced in the card's flavor text.
  • According to Donais, this card is "mostly just showing the dark evil Icecrown flavor", which is "not something Hearthstone does a lot of."[2]


Gnomeferatu full

Gnomeferatu, full art

Gnomeferatu process

Card art process


  1. Mike Donais on reddit. (2017-07-30). Retrieved on 2017-07-30.
  2. Mike Donais in Savjz's Twitch stream chat (around 06:19:38). (2017-07-30). Retrieved on 2017-07-31. (screenshot)