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Genzo, the Shark is a legendary neutral minion card, from the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan set.



Genzo is unique to Hearthstone. According to the card's flavor text and art, the Forsaken Genzo may be the first character in the game who is known to actually play Hearthstone - with the exception of a few bosses such as Arch-Thief Rafaam, in their tongue-in-cheek adventure appearances. His nickname "the Shark" is likely a reference to the term "cardshark", itself a variation of "cardsharp", meaning "One who is skilled at card games, especially at cheating in them." If the latter element is accurate, Genzo's skill at the game may not be as great as he would have you believe.


  • Genzo's card artwork depicts him holding what appears to be the Ragnaros, Ninjas! and Highmaul card backs. In his golden version, Tauren Thunderbluff, Staff of Origination and Fireside card backs also appear, while his summon animation features a flurry of several copies of the Fireside and Legend card backs.
  • Genzo's name may be intended as a portmanteau of the two Overwatch characters Genji and Hanzo.
  • Genzo may be a reference to the anime One Piece, specifically the characters Genzo and Arlong, the shark.
  • Genzo's reputation as a Hearthstone player is a prime example of the many lore ambiguities in the game. Is Genzo a "real" person, with his minion card created in tribute following his tournament success? Or is he a fictional character created by the Azerothian designers of the game, self-referentially depicting a card player within the very card game he is known to play?


Genzo, the Shark full

Genzo, the Shark, full art

